无法通过此资源更新不支持 azapi_resource 或azapi_data_plane_resource 的资源。 如果尝试执行不基于 Azure CRUD 友好资源的操作,azapi_resource_action 不如azapi_update_resource 简单,但更灵活。资源配置示例以下代码片段配置 AzureRM 提供程序中当前不存在的资源:...
Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) / No longer actively maintained - dtan4/terraforming
每个特定的resource包含了若干可用于描述对应资源或者服务的属性字段,通过这些字段来定义一个完整的资源或者服务,比如实例的名称(name),实例的规格(instance_type),VPC或者VSwitch的网段(cidr_block)等。 定义一个Resource的语法非常简单,通过resource关键字声明,如下: #定义一个ECS实例resource "alicloud_instance" "defa...
Make some other change- such as adding a new label or modifying the existing one to avoid making a spurious call (dangerous) Update your state file so that labels and terraform_labels share the same values Sorry, something went wrong. zli...
output.publicKey } os_disk { caching = "ReadWrite" storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS" name = "myosdisk${count.index}" } computer_name = "hostname" admin_username = var.username } resource "azurerm_managed_disk" "test" { count = 2 name = "datadisk_existing_${count.index}" ...
Provides a VPC VPC resource.A VPC instance creates a VPC. You can fully control your own VPC, such as selecting IP address ranges, configuring routing...
资源图(Resource Graph) 自动化变更(Change Automation) 基础架构即代码(Infrastructure as Code) 使用高级配置语法来描述基础架构,这样就可以对数据中心的蓝图进行版本控制,就像对待其他代码一样对待它。 执行计划(Execution Plans) Terraform 有一个 plan 步骤,它生成一个执行计划。执行计划显示了当执行 apply 命令时 ...
delete- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Resource. update- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Resource. Import Cloud Control Resource can be imported using the id, e.g. $terraform import alicloud_cloud_control_resource.example <provider>:<product>:<resource_code>:<resource...
push Update remote state from a local state file replace-provider Replace providerinthe state rm Remove instances from the state show Show a resourceinthe state 操作如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ terraform state list module.pkslow-nginx.kubernetes_deployment.test ...
目录和*.tfstate文件,防止存入版本控制系统表达式 Terraform中返回值的对象,如字符串、数字引用(Reference) 访问代码其他部分的值,例如资源属性引用(resource attribute...TYPE是在该提供商中创建的资源类型(例如instance)。NAME是一个标识符,你可以在整个Te...