> templatefile("${path.module}/config.tftpl",{config = {"x" = "y""foo" = "bar""key" = "value"}})set foo = barset key = valueset x = y Generating JSON or YAML from a template If the string you want to generate will be in JSON or YAML syntax, it's often tricky and tedi...
filename = "madlibs/madlibs-${count.index}.txt" content = templatefile(element(local.templates, count.index), { nouns = random_shuffle.random_nouns[count.index].result adjectives = random_shuffle.random_adjectives[count.index].result verbs = random_shuffle.random_verbs[count.index].result adver...
If you want to makemanychanges in a template at deployment time, you can use the Terraformtemplatefilewhich gives you better control of your changes. However, you’ll have to update your configuration so that it’s compatible with the Terraformtemplatefile. Thedash_templatefile.tffile in theexamp...
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -TemplateFile $templateFilePath -TemplateParameterFile $parametersFilePath With Terraform you have four main actions – init, plan, apply and destroy. terraform initwill prepare the directory, download any listed providers, et...
实现一个部署资源的动态生成 环境准备 tf 使用本地软件,sqler 以及数据库使用docker-compose 运行 软件下载 tf下载https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html 项目结构 ├──main.tf ├──restapi │├──config ││└──config-example.hcl │├──docker-compose.yaml ...
Try to limit the frequency of embedded scripts, preferring file and templatefile function calls. This allows CI to find and run shellcheck on all scripts (much harder to do if the script is embedded). When you must use an embedded script, use heredoc syntax to ensure that maintainers are ...
我们可以直接结合http 以及templatefile providers 方便的生成文件 rest api 格式 因为有一个数据格式的问题,在rest 接口中直接就暴露了parent 的tf 信息,后边在说明出有一个解决方法 {"data": {"projects": [ {"name":"firstrong","path":"firstrong","description":"firstrong","group":"firstrong"}, ...
resource "cml2_lifecycle" "this" { topology = templatefile("topology.yaml", { toponame = "yolo lab" }) } will replace the title: ${toponame} from the YAML with the content of the string “yolo lab” at import time. Note that instead of a string literal, it’s perfectly fine to...
data "gitlab_project" "example" { id = 30 } locals { runner_config = { runner_token = data.gitlab_project.example.runners_token } } output "example" { value = templatefile("${path.module}/register-runners.sh.tpl", local.runner_config) } - ydaetskcoR 1 有没有一种方法可以针对共...