terraform apply main.destroy.tfplan Azure 上的 Terraform 故障排除 排查在 Azure 上使用 Terraform 时遇到的常见问题 后续步骤 其他资源 培训 模块 使用GitHub Actions 或 Azure Pipelines 创建 Terraform 配置、预配 Azure 资源以及设置项目的持续集成和持续交付 (CI/CD)。
azurerm_resource_group.rg.name virtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.vnet.name address_prefixes = [""] } # Create Public IP for Gateway resource "azurerm_public_ip" "gateway_ip" { name = "pip-${random_string.name.result}" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg....
An earlier lesson presented a Bash script that provisioned an Ubuntu VM in Azure with a LAMP stack installed. Suppose you want to prevision a similar VM in AWS and use Terraform to do it. First, since Terraform's declarative language can be used like a template, variables must be declared...
An earlier lesson presented a Bash script that provisioned an Ubuntu VM in Azure with a LAMP stack installed. Suppose you want to prevision a similar VM in AWS and use Terraform to do it. First, since Terraform's declarative language can be used like a template, variables must be declared...
Your storage account and container have now been created. The script should output three details at the end when it completes, take note of this information we’ll need later on. Create Azure Service Principal To create that connection between GitHub Actions and Azure we’re going to use an ...
The installation is based on applying the customized Terraform variables file to a predefined Azure subscription. Applying the Terraform variables file performs the following:Creates resources in a predefined resource group, such as virtual machines, network interfaces, function app, load balancer, and ...
resource azurerm_storage_blob resource azurerm_storage_container resource azurerm_subnet resource azurerm_virtual_network resource null_resource generic generic/docker_compose_host resource null_resource google_cloud google_cloud/camunda-secure resource google_cloud_run_service resource google_project_...
我们已经通过使用on_create30 s超时添加time_sleep和depends_on工作区ID解决了这个问题。全局init脚本等待...
Terraform 是云无关的,使用 Terraform 把基础设施部署到 AWS 与部署到 GCP、Azure 甚至私有数据中心一样简单,如下图所示。云平台性无关很重要,因为这意味着你不会被局限于特定的云供应商,也不需要在每次改变云供应商时学习一种全新的技术。 Terraform 通过提供程序(provider)与不同的云集成。提供程序是 Terraform...
b. Shell Script – Terraform Init – point to Terraform init.sh script and pass environment variables $(ARM_CLIENT_ID) $(ARM_CLIENT_SECRET) $(ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) $(ARM_TENANT_ID) $(ARM_ACCESS_KEY) Terraform must initialize Azure Resource provider and configured backend for keeping th...