“Azure 上的 Terraform”文档:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/developer/terraform/ 使用Terraform 在 Azure 中创建带有基础结构的 Linux VM:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/developer/terraform/create-linux-virtual-machine-with-infrastructure#complete-terraform-script Install Azure CLI on Win...
我們在整合測試檔案 中再次使用 Terratest 和傳統 Go 測試函式./test/hello_world_example_test.go。 不同於單元測試,整合測試會在 Azure 中建立實際資源。 這就是為什麼您需要小心以避免命名衝突。 (請特別注意一些全域唯一的名稱,例如記憶體帳戶名稱。因此,測試邏輯的第一個步驟是使用UniqueId()Terratest 所提...
使用Terraform 在 Azure 中创建带有基础结构的 Linux VM:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/developer/terraform/create-linux-virtual-machine-with-infrastructure#complete-terraform-script Install Azure CLI on Windows:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli-windows?tabs=azure-pow...
使用Terraform 在 Azure 中创建带有基础结构的 Linux VM:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/developer/terraform/create-linux-virtual-machine-with-infrastructure#complete-terraform-script Install Azure CLI on Windows:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli-windows?tabs=azure-pow...
使用azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association在网络安全组和网络接口之间创建关联。 使用random_id为唯一存储帐户名称生成随机值。 使用azurerm_storage_account 创建用于启动诊断的存储帐户。 使用azurerm_windows_virtual_machine创建包含 IIS Web 服务器的 Windows VM。
ref=v11.0" site_domain = "hello.example.com" add_response_headers = { "Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload" "Content-Security-Policy" = "default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; object-src 'none'" "X-Content-...
此範例示範如何使用應用程式閘道、應用程式閘道輸入控制器、Azure Container Registry、Log Analytics 和 Key Vault 部署 AKS 叢集 Ubuntu VM 上的 Apache Webserver 此範本會使用 Azure Linux CustomScript 擴充功能來部署 Apache Web 伺服器。 部署範本會建立Ubuntu VM、安裝Apache2並建立簡單的HTML...
First, since Terraform's declarative language can be used like a template, variables must be declared before they're invoked, usually in a separate file. The following example defines a variable namedamithat contains an AWS catalog number that the script will need to locate a Bitnami LAMP ...
With these input variables defined, you can reference them inside of the Terraform script using the syntaxvar.var_name. main.tf Inside of the main.tf, place the resources that you want to create. This example simply creates a virtual network and subnet, so there are the following two res...
A question you might ask is why to use Terraform and not, for example,just use PowerShell. Well, there is a big difference with just a scripting language. Yes, you can get the same result with a PowerShell script but Terraform makes deploying your infrastructure much easier. It doesn'...