为了减轻数据应用代码增改给双方带来的额外压力,本文通过一个案例入手,优化数据应用增改及部署过程中的关键流程:数据开发团队通过接口化的形式调用相应Terraform module,配合AWS CodePipeline或EventBridge驱动的事件模式来实现CI/CD流水线。 此案例中,云运维团队负责IaC模块的...
Unfortunately the Terraform AWS Provider isn't smart enough to know that for such dependencies with AWS specific API constraints that it should simply detach, and then reattach afterwards. The quickest solution / workaround is to find the dependent resources, andterraform taintthem so that they are...
在AWS CodePipeline中创建具有三个阶段的流水线:源阶段、构建阶段和部署阶段。 源阶段从CodeCommit代码仓库获取Terraform模块。 构建阶段使用AWS CodeBuild执行Terraform init、plan和apply/destroy操作完成资源部署。 本次在codebuild中创建两个构建,一个为apply创建资源,一个为destroy销毁资源,其利用aws s3作为后端backend,...
此模式使用 Account Factory for Terraform (AFT) 创建所有必需的AWS资源,并使用代码管道在部署账户中部署资源。代码管道在两个存储库中运行: 全局自定义包含Terraform 代码,该代码将在注册的所有账户中运行。AFT 账户自定义包含将在部署账户中运行的 Terraform 代码。
Step 6. Use the AWS CloudFormation stack to create resources in the spoke account Repeat Step 2 (“Create the spoke account infrastructure deployment”). Terraform deployment Create a VPC and security group from sample Terraform code Sign in to the AWS Management Console, ...
bucket_name="sample-bucket-glueetl"job_path_prefix= toset(["hr-mysql-source1-python-scripts"]) line_of_business="hr-department"} 第二步,通过 Terraform 提供的 data.aws_s3_bucket_objects 获取 Glue 脚本在 s3 上的存放路径。 data"aws_s3_bucket_objects""glue_job_objects_for_people_mdm_stagi...
Code terraform-aws-mq Terraform module for provisioning an Amazon MQ broker Usage module"mq"{ source="dare-global/mq/aws"version="1.X.X"broker_name="mq-broker"subnet_ids=["subnet-id-12345"] } Examples ActiveMQ RabbitMQ Requirements
當您執行支援的 AWS SAM CLI 命令,請使用 --hook-name選項並提供 terraform值。以下是範例:$ sam local invoke --hook-name terraform您可以在 中設定此選項 AWS SAM CLI 具有下列特性的組態檔案:hook_name = "terraform"設定 的 Terraform 專案 完成本主題中的步驟以使用 AWS SAM CLI 取代為 Terraform 專...
be time to consider combining them into a module. For example, say you deploy a set of virtual machines, each with a disk, a network interface controller and a static IP address. Combining these resources creates a logical unit called a virtual machine for Azure or anec2-instancefor AWS...
Terraform Extension for Azure DevOps All the pipelines make use of the tasks of the Terraform extension. This extension provides the following components: A service connection for connecting to an Amazon Web Services(AWS) account A service connection for connecting to a Goog...