在aws-s3-static-website-bucket目录中,创建一个名为README.md的文件具有以下内容。 # AWS S3 static website bucket This module provisions AWS S3 buckets configured for static website hosting. Bash 为模块选择正确的许可超出了本指南的范围。本指南将使用Apache 2.0开放源码许可。 使用以下内容创建另一个...
AWS S3 bucket Terraform module Terraform module which creates S3 bucket on AWS with all (or almost all) features provided by Terraform AWS provider. These features of S3 bucket configurations are supported: static web-site hosting access logging ...
description = optional(string, "Certificate for S3 static website.") labels = optional(map(string)) deletion_protection = optional(bool, false) })) }) nullno lifecycle_rule(Optional) List of objects with configuration of object lifecycle management. ...
By doing this, all works, but the DO Spacestf-stateis transfered to the project “A”. It is quite cumbersome to track all the resources in"digitalocean_project" "dev"that are related to “Dev”. Is it possible to instruct TF to applyby defaultthe provisioning to a specific pro...
Website HostingFast page loads and reliable site uptime VPS Hosting Virtual Machines Questions? Talk to an expert See all solutions Developers Our Community Community HomeDevOps and development guides CSS-TricksAll things web design The WaveContent to level up your business. Resources Tutorials Questio...
Static website hosting with S3 Redirecting clients from a domain to another URL SSL termination in front of a server/load balancer elsewhere on AWS How CloudFront caching works It's important to understand that CloudFront, by default, respects cache headers given by the origin, that is, the se...
enable_s3Toggles the comet_s3 module for provisioning Comet S3 bucketbooln/ayes enable_vpcToggles the comet_vpc module, to provision a new VPC for hosting the Comet resourcesbooln/ayes environmentDeployment environment, i.e. dev/stage/prod, etcstring"dev"no ...
Downloading the GitHub Action Runner distribution can be occasionally slow (more than 10 minutes). Therefore a lambda is introduced that synchronizes the action runner binary from GitHub to an S3 bucket. The EC2 instance will fetch the distribution from the S3 bucket instead of the internet. ...
terraform{backend"s3"{ bucket="mybucket"key="path/to/my/key"region="us-east-1"role_arn="arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE_NAME"#can't use var.atlantis_user as the session name because#interpolations are not allowed in backend configuration#session_name = "${var.atlantis_user}" WON'...
If you're also using the S3 Backend make sure to add the role_arn option:terraform { backend "s3" { bucket = "mybucket" key = "path/to/my/key" region = "us-east-1" role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE_NAME" # can't use var.atlantis_user as the session name ...