The user runs theterraform applyThe Terraformlocal-execprovisioner is used to run a Python script that downloads the public dataset DialogSum from the Hugging Face Hub. This is then used to create a fine-tuning training JSONL file. An S3 bu...
本文将构建一个Python Flask 应用,并使用单个文件描述要在 Web 上输出的内容。 创建名为app.py的文件: touch 并添加如下的内容: # coding=utf-8fromflaskimportFlask app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')defhome():return'你好,阿里云!'.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8')
These scripts are written in Python and are quite simple to consume with any vCenter. Let’s see if they work with a fake one too! Instead of running the script locally, I thought I’d check to see if the recorded vCenter can really be shared across environments. So I fired up an...
目前的cdktf初始发布版仅支持Typescript和Python语言, 但是会 在未来版本中添加对Java、JavaScript和C#等编程语言的支持。AWS CDK可生成用于部署 基础设施 的Cloudformation格式 的 配置,但cdkft (或称 CDK for Terraform ) 生成的是JSON格式的Terraform配置文件,这并非HashiCorp配置语言(HCL , HashiCorp Configuration La...
Echo plan output to a file + run: | + echo "${{ steps.plan.outputs.stdout }}" > plan.out + + - name: Install fs module + run: npm install fs + - uses: actions/github-script@v6 if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' - env: - PLAN: "terraform\n${{ steps.plan.outputs....
git clone pipsi install # basically, it needs to be on your path when you run ansible <edit a script in your inventory directory to include the below shell script> In your inventory, you use a shell script to wrap this so that the ...
在Provisioner块中,指定要执行的Ansible Playbook文件。可以使用command参数指定Ansible命令,也可以使用script参数指定一个执行脚本。例如: 创建Terraform资源时,Terraform将自动执行指定的Ansible命令或脚本。 通过将Terraform和Ansible连接在一起,可以实现以下优势和应用场景: ...
2. Provide cdk typescript code to implement using aws-cdk-lib Do not: 1. use preambles. 2. make assumptions. """max_tokens =4000try: bedrock_runtime = boto3.client("bedrock-runtime") call_claude_multi_model( bedrock_runtime,
CDKTF 是一个第三方基础结构即代码 (IaC) 平台,使你能够通过使用熟悉的编程语言、工具和工程实践来创建、部署和管理 Azure Databricks 资源。 虽然本文介绍的是如何使用 Python,但 CDKTF 还支持 TypeScript、Java、C# 和 Go 等语言。Terraform CDK Databricks 提供程序基于 Databricks Terraform 提供程序。 有关详细...
--port=$port test applications locally you can use the src/ bash script to test the containers for the sender , processor , and receiver applications. #!/bin/bash # variables source ./ # print the menu echo "===" ec...