"sensitive_attributes": [], "private": "bnVsbA==" } ] } ] } 可以看到它记录了Terraform的版本信息,还有资源的详细信息:包括类型、名字、插件、属性等。有这些信息便可直接从状态文件里解析出具体的资源。 状态管理命令 可以通过terraform state做一些状态管理: 显示状态列表: $ terraform state list local_...
my_host.ssh_username}" private_key = "${module.my_host.ssh_private_key}" agent = false } provisioner "remote-exec" { inline = ["echo HELLO WORLD"] } } Example 4: Using the docker provider Note that until direct support for the SSH protocol in the docker provider lands in Terraform...
Cloudsmith is your solution for private, secure Terraform registries, with cloud-native performance. Start your free trial today.
provider"aws"{region="us-west-1"access_key="your-access-key"secret_key="your-secret-key"}resource"aws_s3_bucket""b"{bucket="my-tf-test-bucket-asdqqsdasd"tags={Name="My bucket"Environment="Dev"}}resource"aws_s3_bucket_acl""example"{bucket=aws_s3_bucket.b.id acl="private"} tf 文件...
Team Token: Allows you to access the private registry of that team's organization and the registries from any other organizations that have configured sharing. Permissions Example A user belongs to three organizations (1, 2, and 3), and organizations 1 and 2 share access with each other. In...
send and receive Private through ReadResource Jun 4, 2019 provisioners provisioners: Add Factory type and FactoryFixed helper Oct 17, 2018 registry Standardise directory name for test data Jun 30, 2019 repl move hcl2shim package to configs ...
安装插件 (Plugin): 主要是 providers, 获取的时候会根据名字去 registry.terraform.io 查找信息,安装 plan:计划执行,会生成可能的新 state 并和旧state 做比较,输出计划 加载backend load config, 生成一个 Operation, OperationTypePlan 并执行 Plan 操作调用 terraform.Context 执行,生成一个 terraform.Graph, 这时...
For more information on Azure Private Links, see What is Azure Private Link?In addition, the sample creates a private endpoint to access all the managed services deployed by the Terraform modules via a private IP address:Azure Container Registry Azure Storage Account Azure Key ...
terraform提供很多服务商https://registry.terraform.io/browse/providers 2、将基础设施部署到ap-northeast-1区域 3、使用AWSCLI默认的配置凭证(也可单独配置AKSK) 对于每种类型的服务提供商,你可以创建许多不同种类的资源。例如服务器、数据库、负载均衡器等等 ...
{ type = string description ="Container image to deploy. Should be of the form repoName/imagename:tag for images stored in public Docker Hub, or a fully qualified URI for other registries. Images from private registries require additional registry credentials."default ="mcr.microsoft.com/azure...