控制台 复制 sql_server=$(terraform output -raw sql_server) 运行az sql server show 以显示有关 SQL Server 专用终结点的详细信息。 Azure CLI 复制 az sql server show \ --resource-group $resource_group_name \ --name $sql_server --query privateEndpointConnections \ --output tsv 清理...
resource 块用于定义由 Provider 管理的具体资源,这些资源可以进行全部的CRUD操作。resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example_bucket" { bucket = "my-example-bucket" acl = "private" tags = { Name = "My bucket" Environment = "Dev" }} 3.Data Sources定义(以aws s3举例)data 块主要用来...
vpc_endpoint_name- (Optional) The name of the endpoint. vpc_id- (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the VPC to which the endpoint belongs. zone_private_ip_address_count- (Optional, ForceNew, Computed, Int, Available since v1.212.0) The number of private IP addresses that are assigned to a...
Private Endpoint example This template shows how to create a private endpoint pointing to Azure SQL Server Private Link service example This template shows how to create a private link service Public Load Balancer chained to a Gateway Load Balancer This template allows you to deploy a Public Standa...
Provides a Private Zone Endpoint resource. For information about Private Zone Endpoint and how to use it, seeWhat is Endpoint. ->NOTE:Available since v1.143.0. Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default ="example_name"}data"alicloud_pvtz_resolver_zones""default"{ ...
Azure提供了两个类似但不同的服务,允许虚拟网络(VNet)资源私下连接到其他Azure服务。Azure VNet服务端点...
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic" public_ip_address_id = azurerm_public_ip.myterraformpublicip.id } tags = { environment = "Terraform Demo" } } # Connect the security group to the network interface resource "azurerm_network_interface_security_group_a...
enable_private_endpoint =false enable_private_nodes =true remove_default_node_pool =true enable_shielded_nodes =false identity_namespace ="enabled" node_metadata ="GKE_METADATA" horizontal_pod_autoscaling =true enable_vertical_pod_autoscaling =false ...
my_host.ssh_username}" private_key = "${module.my_host.ssh_private_key}" agent = false } provisioner "remote-exec" { inline = ["echo HELLO WORLD"] } } Example 4: Using the docker provider Note that until direct support for the SSH protocol in the docker provider lands in Terraform...
I'm trying to use the azapi provider to provision a managed private endpoint for a managed grafana instance. What I want to achieve is to send metrics over a the azure backbone. I don't see exactly how this could be achieved.