Module count and for_each For a long time, users have wished to be able to use the count meta-argument within module blocks, allowing multiple instances of the same module to be created more easily. Again, we have been laying the groundwork for this during Terraform 0.12 development and ex...
output "vpc_id" { value = } 在工作目录中调用该模块,并在VPC下新增一个子网,此时 vpc_id 的值需要用 "”来表示。 module "network" { source = "./modules/network" } resource "huaweicloud_vpc_subnet" "subnet" { name = "subnet_new" cidr = "...
...variable"private_subnets"{type=map(any) }data"aws_subnet""private_subnets"{for_each=var.private_subnetsid=var.private_subnets[each.key].id}... Test example: Debug Output
Terraform module to create AWS ECS resources 🇺🇦 awsterraformecsaws-ecsterraform-modulesterraform-module UpdatedSep 3, 2024 HCL cloudposse/terraform-aws-components Sponsor Star496 Code Issues Pull requests Opinionated, self-contained Terraform root modules that each solve one, specific problem ...
It named asmy_instance_module. The public ip address is defined in that module,./my_modules/instance/ output "instance_ip_addr" { value =aws_instance.my_instance.*.public_ipdescription = "The public IP address of the main instance." ...
Terraform 12 Tutorial - Loops with count, for_each, and for Terraform Tutorial - creating multiple instances (count, list type and element() function) Terraform Tutorial - State (terraform.tfstate) & terraform import Terraform Tutorial - Output variables ...
使用output定义输出 使用module组织 tf 文件 Store State Remotely 自动化 自定义:Writing Custom Providers Plugins are distributed as Go binaries schema.Providertype describes the provider's properties: the configuration keys it accepts the resources it supports ...
Defining outputs for a Terraform module can be complicated, but the general idea is to output properties that you might need in a parent module but can't get from the input parameters. For example, you won't know the ID of the virtual network until after the virtual network is deployed,...
(t, fixtureFolder) publicIpAddress := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "public_ip_address") }) // When the test is completed, teardown the infrastructure by calling terraform destroy test_structure.RunTestStage(t, "teardown", func() { terraformOptions := test_structure.LoadTerraform...
output "homepage_url" { value = azurerm_storage_blob.homepage.url } The main logic of the module provisions four resources:resource group: The name of the resource group is the website_name input appended by -staging-rg. storage account: The name of the storage account is the website_na...