复制 module"webserver"{source="./modules/webserver"}locals{fixed_recordsets=[{name="www"type="CNAME"ttl=3600records=["webserver01","webserver02","webserver03",]},]server_recordsets=[fori,addrinmodule.webserver.public_ip_addrs:{name=format("webserver%02d",i)type="A"records=[addr]}]}...
module "webserver" { source = "./modules/webserver" } locals { fixed_recordsets = [ { name = "www" type = "CNAME" ttl = 3600 records = [ "webserver01", "webserver02", "webserver03", ] }, ] server_recordsets = [ for i, addr in module.webserver.public_ip_addrs : { name...
一个module块包含关键字、module名称和块主体三个部分,块主体中需要指定source以及module中定义的输入变量等参数。在添加 module块之后,需要通过 "terraform init" 命令将模块代码的副本保存至工作目录下。在修改或删除 module块后,也必须重新运行 "terraform init" 命令以更新相应的配置。 source 是 module 中的必选...
Files main .config .github examples tests .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml .terraform.lock.hcl LICENSE.md README.md context.tf data.tf locals.tf main.tf outputs.tf variables.tf versions.tfBreadcrumbs terraform-module-template / locals.tf Latest commit...
locals { service_name = "forum" owner = "Community Team" } 输入变量Input Variable 输入变量是定义在variable块中的,它就像是函数的入参。 定义输入变量 定义variable有很多可选属性: 类型type:指定变量是什么类型;如果没有指定,则可以是任意类型;
locals{default_labels_as_tags=keys(local.tags_context)# Unlike other inputs, the first setting of `labels_as_tags` cannot be later overridden. However,# we still have to pass the `input` map as the context to the next module. So we need to distinguish# between the first setting of va...
pending_window_in_days = "30" status = "Enabled" encrypt = false decrypt = false } module "remote-backend-ots" { source = "terraform-alicloud-modules/terraform-alicloud-table-store" create_instance = var.use_ots ? var.ots_create_instance : false ...
Terraform Version 1.3.0 Use Cases I use terraform console to sometimes try and debug the values of variables and locals. This is especially useful if not getting desired behaviour, so you can see what a certain variable or local holds an...
{security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.default.idtype="ingress"cidr_ip =""ip_protocol ="tcp"port_range ="22"policy ="accept"}### 复制COS的实例data"tencentcloud_user_info""info"{}locals {app_id = data.tencentcloud_user_info.info.app_id}resource"tencentcloud_cos_bucket...
Before defining local values (akalocals) in a Terraform project or module, the reasons to use local values needs to be defined first. How do you know if a local value is necessary? There are a few simple rules to follow when determining whether to hard code values in the code or to cr...