variable:定义了常用的参数,比如可用区、ECS实例类型类型。 output:定义了自定义输出,比如 Stable Diffusion 服务的地址 variable "zone_id" { type = string description = <<EOT { "AssociationProperty": "ZoneId", "Label": { "zh-cn": "可用区ID", "en": "Zone ID" } } EOT } variable "...
5cDescribe variable scope within modules/child modulesInput Variables Calling a Child ModuleBuild and Use a Local Module 5dSet module versionModule VersionsUse Modules from the Registry 6Use the core Terraform workflowDocumentationTutorial 6aDescribe Terraform workflow ( Write -> Plan -> Create )The ...
(var.msi_id,data.azurerm_client_config.this.object_id) scope = role_definition_name ="Contributor"}# register Microsoft.Network to the Management Groupresource"null_resource""register_rp_to_mg"{ provisioner"local-exec"{ command ="az provider register ...
Puppet variable scope Puppet packages, services, and files Puppet packages, services, and files II with nginxPuppet templates Puppet creating and managing user accounts with SSH access Puppet Locking user accounts & deploying sudoers file Puppet exec resource ...
Puppet variable scope Puppet packages, services, and files Puppet packages, services, and files II with nginxPuppet templates Puppet creating and managing user accounts with SSH access Puppet Locking user accounts & deploying sudoers file Puppet exec resource ...
Basic Usage variable"name"{ default ="tf-example"}data"alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups""default"{ status ="OK"}data"alicloud_kms_keys""default"{ status ="Enabled"}data"alicloud_zones""default"{ available_instance_type ="ecs.g7.xlarge"}resource"alicloud_vpc""default"{ vpc_name...
If a prefix input variable is specified, the prefix is added to the name in the `<prefix>-<name>` format. | `string` | n/a | yes | | [resource\_groups\_scope](#input\_resource\_groups\_scope) | The resource group to associate with the Security and Compliance Center profile a...
We’ve declared some local variables in the file, these are a combination of a random integer the Terraform deployment creates and the variable we declared in thetffile. A resource group has been defined. A DDoS protection plan has been defined, including tags. ...
For example, your Terraform module parses the IP address from an AWS instance’s DNS name and outputs a list of IP addresses to a local file. At a glance, you don’t know if it correctly replaces the hyphens and retrieves the IP address information. variable "services" { type = map...
variable "name" { default = "tf-example" } data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" { status = "OK" } data "alicloud_kms_keys" "default" { status = "Enabled" } data "alicloud_zones" "default" { available_instance_type = "ecs.g7.xlarge" } resource "alicloud_...