Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions pythongitlinuxdockerkubernetesawsansibledevopssqlazurecontainersterraformopenstackinterviewprometheuscodingsreinter...
Function Compute custom domain can be imported using the id or the domain name, e.g. $terraform import my-fc-custom-domain
azurerm_linux[windows]_web[function]_app[app_slot]- 将 API 版本从2023-01-01升级到2023-12-01(#27196) azurerm_cosmosdb_account- 支持功能EnableNoSQLVectorSearch(#27357)azurerm_container_app_custom_domain - 修复分析证书 ID 错误 #25972 ...
dockerkubernetescontainersterraformetcdcoreosociterraform-modulescontainer-linux UpdatedDec 28, 2019 HCL terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-ecs Sponsor Star555 Code Issues Pull requests Terraform module to create AWS ECS resources 🇺🇦 awsterraformecsaws-ecsterraform-modulesterraform-module ...
Resource group 选择:”Web_Test_TF_RG“ Key vault name:”cnbate-terraform-kv“ Region:”East Asia“ Pricing tier:”Standard“ 点击”Review + create“ ,创建预校验。 预校验完成后,点击 ”Create“ 进行创建操作 创建完成后,可以点击 ”Go to resource“ 查看创建好的资源 ...
Microsoft.Web/sites 展開資料表 名字描述價值 extendedLocation 擴充位置。 ExtendedLocation 身份 受控服務識別。 ManagedServiceIdentity 類 資源種類。 如果資源是應用程式,您可以參考
Deploy a basic Linux web app This template allows you to deploy an app service plan and a basic Linux web app App Service Quickstart - Windows app This template is to be used with /azure/app-service/quickstart-arm-template Web App with custom Deployment slots This template provides an ea...
This resource will help you to manager a Serverless Kubernetes Cluster, seeWhat is serverless kubernetes. The cluster is same as container service created by web console. ->NOTE:Available since v1.58.0. ->NOTE:Serverless Kubernetes cluster only supports VPC network and it can access internet whil...
{ computer_name_prefix = "vmlab" admin_username = var.admin_user admin_password = var.admin_password custom_data = file("web.conf") } os_profile_linux_config { disable_password_authentication = false } network_profile { name = "terraformnetworkprofile" primary = true ip_configuration { ...
(0) - Linux Sys Admin's Day to Day tasks Ansible 2.0 What is Ansible? Quick Preview - Setting up web servers with Nginx, configure environments, and deploy an App SSH connection & running commands Ansible: Playbook for Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 18.04 systemd with AWS Modules Playbooks ...