1、报错查看 # 报错如下: bash: newman: command not found Build step 'Execute shell' marked ...
When trying to run the Gitlab Terraform EKS pipeline to deploy the cluster as per these instructionshttps://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/infrastructure/clusters/connect/new_eks_cluster.html, the pipeline is failing with the error "gitlab-terraform: command not found". Steps to reproduce INSTALL GIT...
main.tfが格納されているディレクトリでterraform initを実行。Terminal (Terraform) hmasayuk@:AWSCiscoASAvTerraform$ terraform init terraform: command not found インストール忘れてるとこういう風に怒られます。 インストールしましょう。 私はbrewでbrew install terraformしました。
terraform init を実行します。 初期化完了確認 正しくプロバイダ情報が設定されており、OCI用のプロバイダプラグインがインストールされ初期化が正常に完了すると Terraform has been successfully initialized! と表示され初期化が完了します。
One of the foundational commands at the heart of Terraform is terraform init. This command is what sets the stage for all the subsequent operations that you perform with Terraform. It prepares a new or existing directory for Terraform usage by creating i
第一步:初始化 terraform init 命令 terraforminit 输出 PSC:\LBWorkSpace\MyCode\24-Terraform>terraforminitInitializingthebackend...Initializingproviderplugins...-Reusingpreviousversionofhashicorp/tlsfromthedependencylockfile-Reusingpreviousversionofhashicorp/azurermfromthedependencylockfile-Reusingpreviousversionofhashico...
第一步:初始化 terraform init 命令 terraform init 输出 PS C:\LBWorkSpace\MyCode\24-Terraform>terraform init Initializing the backend... Initializing provider plugins...- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/tls from the dependency lockfile- Reusing previous version of hashicorp/azurerm from the depen...
When you initialize a Terraform workspace, Terraform configures the backend, installs all providers and modules referred to in your configuration, and creates a version lock file if one doesn't already exist. In addition, you can use theterraform initcommand to change your workspace's backend and...
执行terraform init 命令时会下载使用的插件,默认将从 Terraform 官方仓库下载最新版本的插件。对于 Terraform 0.13 之后的版本,可以使用 "required_providers" 指定Provider的 registry 源和版本: terraform { required_providers { huaweicloud = { source = "huaweicloud/huaweicloud" ...