For example, AWS assigns Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to instances upon creation, so Terraform cannot know the value of the arn attribute until you apply the change and the AWS provider returns that value from the AWS API. Terraform will now pause and wait for your approval before proceeding....
Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) / No longer actively maintained - dtan4/terraforming
state pull命令用于原样展示当前state文件数据,类似与Shell下的cat命令,例如: $ terraform state pull{"version":4,"terraform_version":"0.12.8","serial":615,"lineage":"39aeeee2-b3bd-8130-c897-2cb8595cf8ec","outputs":{***}},"resources":[{"mode":"data","type":"alicloud_slbs","name":...
Terraform allows you to configure resources from different cloud providers (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) in the same file by specifying different providers and using provider-specific resources. You can use provider aliases to manage multiple instances of the same provider (e.g., ...
# Please review these resources and move them into your main configuration files. # __generated__ by Terraform from "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/import-test" resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
terraformer import google --resources=* --projects=<你的GCP项目ID> --regions=<地区> 对于 AWS,如果希望仅导入特定的 VPC 和相关的安全组,可以使用:terraformer import aws -r=sg,vpc --filter=vpc=myvpcid --regions=eu-west-1 项目推介 由于 Terraformer 强大的功能和简单的使用方式,已被众多公司和...
工作原因接触Terraform一年多,认为它是自动化配置与编排必备利器,记录下自己使用这个工具在AWS上的一些实践。本次文章不会过多的讲解基础概念,而是注重实践,参考AWS VPC的官方文档中场景2:搭建带有公有子网和私有子网 (NAT) 的 VPC ...
terraformer import aws --resources=s3 --filter="Name=tags.Abc" --regions=eu-west-1 Will only import the s3 resources that have tag Abc. This form of filters can help when the field values are not important from filtering perspective. Field with dots It is possible to filter by a field...
This fragment creates a Private Space resource, ensuring it is in the same region as AWS resources:variable "heroku_enterprise_team" { description = "Name of the Enterprise Team (must already exist)" } variable "heroku_private_space" { description = "Name of the Private Space" } variable ...
If you want to generate Terraform configurations from existing cloud resources,consider using other tools, such as Terraformerwhich supports many cloud providers not only AWS but also GCP, Azure, GitHub, Kubernetes, etc., and is able to generate configurations based on the latest provider's resourc...