自从我们决定重构并使我们的IaC更加一致以来,我们还需要为我们的资源建立一个新的、一致的命名方案,适用于Terraform资源和实际云中的资源。考虑到每个环境都是最高级别的抽象层次,并且资源不会跨环境共享,我们提出了一种命名约定,适用于Terraform资源名称、变量名称以及资源标签。 模块: 有了清晰的目录结构和命名约定,我...
envs/staging/terragrunt.hcl remote_state{backend="gcs"config={bucket="tfstate_bucket"prefix=path_relative_to_include()project="gcp-project-staging"}generate={path="backend.tf"if_exists="overwrite"}} モジュールの呼び出し側では次のように書くことで上記のファイルの設定を引き継ぐ事ができま...
{external_location}/_checkpoint/e2e-lakehouse-demo" spark.sql(f"SET c.username='{username}'") spark.sql(f"SET c.database={database}") spark.sql(f"SET c.source='{source}'") spark.sql("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${c.database} CASCADE") spark.sql("CREATE DATABASE ${c.database}")...
Installing of addonWhen a cluster is created, some system addons and those specified at the time of cluster creation will be installed, so when an addon resource is applied: If the addon already exists in the cluster and its version is the same as the specified version, it will be skipped...
provider"alicloud"{ region ="cn-beijing"}variable"name"{ default ="tf-example"}data"alicloud_eci_zones""default"{ }resource"alicloud_vpc""default"{ vpc_name = var.name cidr_block =""}resource"alicloud_vswitch""default"{ vswitch_name = var.name cidr_block =""...
The create_service_account variable default value (true) will cause a cluster-specific service account to be created. This service account should already exists and it will be used by the node pools. If you wish to only override the service account name, you can use service_account_name ...
If you want to use a different file name, then you can use the -var-file option. Example: name = "John" age = 25 Example: terraform plan -var-file="somefile.tfvars" OR We can also pass the variable value as a command-line argument. For example: terraform plan -var 'name="John"...
variable "ssh_public_key" { default = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" } agent_count应该设置合理,这里设成1是因为我的账号是免费的,有限制。 输出结果 当Terraform执行完,会有一些结果,我们可以把一些值输出以便使用: output "client_certificate" { value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s.kube_config[0].client...
At a glance, you don’t know if it correctly replaces the hyphens and retrieves the IP address information. variable "services" { type = map(object({ node = string kind = string })) description = "List of services and their metadata" } variable "service_kind" { type = string ...
("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${c.database} CASCADE") spark.sql("CREATE DATABASE ${c.database}") spark.sql("USE ${c.database}") # Clear out data from previous demo execution dbutils.fs.rm(source, True) dbutils.fs.rm(checkpoint_path, True) # Define a class to load batches of ...