1 准备 Amazon IAM 用户 登陆AWS Amszon:https://aws.amazon.com/ 创建IAM 用户 填写用户名 添加现有策略,使用管理员权限。 创建密钥 选择aws外部的应用程序 保存密钥信息 配置IAM 用户认证 安装awscli brew install awscil 1. 配置 $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID[None]: A***J AWS Secret Access Ke...
[IAM]>[アクセス管理]>[ユーザを追加]で追加できます。 管理者権限を持ったIAMを作成します。 アクセスキー・プログラムによるアクセスにチェックを入れましょう。 TerraformからAWSに通信するためのアクセスキーとシークレットキーを発行します。 ユーザ名は「TerraformAdminUser」にしま...
此外,我还将分享如何创建EKS的IAM角色,定义EKS的Terraform配置文件,以及如何配置EKS Node Group的IAM角色和节点组,一步一步创建EKS集群。 每个Terraform文件都将配有详尽的解释,让你清晰理解每一行代码的意义和作用。无论你是云计算新手还是希望提升技能的专业人士,这篇博客都将为你提供实用的指导和深入的见解,帮助你...
This module can optionally create an IAM User with access to the S3 bucket. This is inherently insecure in that to enable anyone to become the User, access keys must be generated, and anything generated by Terraform is stored unencrypted in the Terraform state. See theTerraform documentationfor...
此外,我还将分享如何创建EKS的IAM角色,定义EKS的Terraform配置文件,以及如何配置EKS Node Group的IAM角色和节点组,一步一步创建EKS集群。 每个Terraform文件都将配有详尽的解释,让你清晰理解每一行代码的意义和作用。无论你是云计算新手还是希望提升技能的专业人士,这篇博客都将为你提供实用的指导和深入的见解,帮助你...
resource google_cloud_run_service_iam_policy resource google_project_iam_member resource google_service_account resource google_sql_database resource google_sql_database_instance resource google_sql_user resource local_file resource null_resource google_cloud/CQRS_bigquery_memorystore resource google_stor...
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.codecommit_pullpush_policy.arn } We then need to create an access key of the aforementioned user. The key will be used in the next steps to sync the files. resource "aws_iam_access_key" "pipeline_codecommit_user" { ...
$0.00014 per hour per resource. So a lot of money when you think "every IAM custom role, every DNS record, every SSL certificate, every single thing in your entire organization". You do get a lot of the nice features at this "standard" tier, but I'm kinda shocked they don't unlock...
name = aws_iam_instance_profile.ss.name } user_data = base64encode(templatefile("${path.module}/cloud-init.yml", { version = var.shardingsphere_proxy_version version_elems = split(".", var.shardingsphere_proxy_version) zk_servers = join(",", var.zk_servers) ...