官方下载: 浏览器打开terraform官方主页https://www.terraform.io/点击Download Terraform跳转到程序下载页面: 找到自己对应的操作系统,按照操作系统选择安装terraform的方式: ) linux为例: 我有一台 rocky linux 工作主机也是直接参照官方文档安装的: 代码语言:txt 复制 terraform --version 不一样的windows: 官方的方...
安装Terraform Terraform的Windows版本为一个.exe文件,下载后把放置在自定义的文件夹中,最后配置号系统的PATH即可。 下载Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html),根据情况选择Windows 32-bit版 或 64-bit版 解压文件,复制到目标文件夹中,如:C:\LBWorkSpace\tool 配置系统PATH路径 打开CMD,使用Terraform...
安装Terraform Terraform的Windows版本为一个.exe文件,下载后把放置在自定义的文件夹中,最后配置号系统的PATH即可。 下载Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html),根据情况选择Windows 32-bit版 或 64-bit版 解压文件,复制到目标文件夹中,如:C:\LBWorkSpace\tool 配置系统PATH路径 打开CMD,使用Terraform...
4. Install Terraform for WindowsDownload Terraform. This article was tested using Terraform version 1.1.4. From the download, extract the executable to a directory of your choosing (for example, c:\terraform). Update your system's global PATH environment variable to include the directory that ...
1.笔者的环境是Windows 10 Sub System for Linux (WSL),有关WSL环境的安装与配置,不在此文中赘述。 2.安装完WSL后,我们安装unzip工具 1 sudoaptinstallunzip 3.下载Terraform,https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.24/terraform_0.12.24_linux_amd64....
the story of 85 different planets and even more extra challenges. Also features a robust level editor to create, share and download new levels for endless replayability. Solving planets faster and with fewer tools gives you a Terraform rating that you can then upload to compare with others ...
The latest version is 1.3.2. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html 认证和鉴权 凭证获取 在首次使用 Terraform 之前,请前往 云API 密钥页面 申请安全凭证 SecretId 和 SecretKey。若已有可使用的安全凭证,则跳过该步骤。1. 登录...
panic: Instruct the user to include terraform's version for bug reports. May 15, 2015 plugins.go keep .terraform.d/plugins for discovery Aug 10, 2017 signal_unix.go Forward SIGTERM and handle that as an interrupt Dec 9, 2016 signal_windows.go ...
Return to the Cloud Shell. It's OK to close Cloud Shell Editor to get more space for the Cloud Shell (Ctrl + Q). Enter the following command to initialize the directory for Terraform.Windows Command Prompt Copy terraform init Plan: preflight validationAfter ...
從Windows 透過Microsoft帳戶進行驗證(使用 Bash 或 PowerShell) 使用Azure CLI 建立服務主體 使用Azure PowerShell 建立服務主體 在環境變數中指定服務主體認證 在Terraform 提供者區塊中指定服務主體認證 1.設定環境 Azure 訂用帳戶:如果您沒有 Azure 訂用帳戶,請在開始前建立免費帳戶。