If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform, rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary. 5. 执行以下命令,查看执行计划,显示将要创建的资源详情。 terraform plan ...
An example of this could be to have a \"main\" sections for all things and a \"NSG\" section for only NSG rules (subnet, NIC, etc). \n \n azure/main/.terraform\n \n Folder which is created by terraform. Contains providers, module information as well...
Indeed, this trace log seems to contain exactly what I was hoping for: This shows the error that the provider was trying to return, which as I suspected seems to just be passed on verbatim from the underlying SDK. As I mentioned back at the top, I'm not a member of this provider's...
Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently. - lian/terraform
Return to the Cloud Shell. It's OK to close Cloud Shell Editor to get more space for the Cloud Shell (Ctrl + Q). Enter the following command to initialize the directory for Terraform.Windows Command Prompt Copy terraform init Plan: preflight validationAfter ...
plugins.go keep .terraform.d/plugins for discovery Aug 10, 2017 signal_unix.go Forward SIGTERM and handle that as an interrupt Dec 9, 2016 signal_windows.go Forward SIGTERM and handle that as an interrupt Dec 9, 2016 synchronized_writers.go main: synchronize writes to VT100-faker on Windo...
Move the binary into the Terraform plugins directory for the platform. Linux/Unix/OS X: ~/.terraform.d/plugins Windows: %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins Export API credential tokens as environment variables. This can either be IBM Cloud API keys or Softlayer API keys and usernames, depending on...
name.TrimStart("v")Write-Output"Latest Terraform version is$latestVersion"# ### Construct the download URL for the Windows 64-bit binary# ###$downloadUrl="https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/$latestVersion/terraform_${latestVersion}_windows_amd64.zip"# ###...
index}" } } output "public_ips" { # value = aws_instance.web_server[0].public_ip # value = [for instance in aws_instance.web_server : instance.public_ip] value = aws_instance.web_server[*].public_ip }⬆ back to topfor_eachfor_each lets you provision multiple instances where ...
ovftoolfrom VMware. NOTE: ovftool installer for windows doesn't put ovftool.exe in your path. You will need to manually set your path. You MUST enable ssh access on your ESXi hypervisor. Google 'How to enable ssh access on esxi' ...