浏览器打开terraform官方主页https://www.terraform.io/点击Download Terraform跳转到程序下载页面: 找到自己对应的操作系统,按照操作系统选择安装terraform的方式: ) linux为例: 我有一台 rocky linux 工作主机也是直接参照官方文档安装的: 代码语言:txt 复制 terraform --version 不一样的windows: 官方的方式 注:我的...
1.笔者的环境是Windows 10 Sub System for Linux (WSL),有关WSL环境的安装与配置,不在此文中赘述。 2.安装完WSL后,我们安装unzip工具 1 sudoaptinstallunzip 3.下载Terraform,https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.24/terraform_0.12.24_linux_amd64.z...
Terraform的Windows版本为一个.exe文件,下载后把放置在自定义的文件夹中,最后配置号系统的PATH即可。 下载Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html),根据情况选择Windows 32-bit版 或 64-bit版 解压文件,复制到目标文件夹中,如:C:\LBWorkSpace\tool 配置系统PATH路径 打开CMD,使用Terraform --version测...
Follow these easy steps to quickly get your environment up in running. Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code - ... Terminalmenu and select *Take note that your terminal path should now show the path from the Linux sub-system to your folder or current directory on your...
This demo was tested using PowerShell 7.2.1 (x64) on Windows 10. 3. Install the Azure CLI For Terraform to authenticate to Azure, you need to install the Azure CLI. This demo was tested using Azure CLI version 2.32.0. 4. Install Terraform for Windows Download Terraform. This article ...
Use Terraform to create VM for session host Join VM to domain Register VM with Azure Virtual Desktop Use variables file 1. Configure your environment Azure subscription: If you don't have an Azure subscription, create afree accountbefore you begin. ...
To initialize the Terraform deployment, run terraform init from the working directory containing Terraform configuration files. This command downloads the Azure modules required to create an Azure resource group.Return to the Cloud Shell. It's OK to close Cloud Sh...
the story of 85 different planets and even more extra challenges. Also features a robust level editor to create, share and download new levels for endless replayability. Solving planets faster and with fewer tools gives you a Terraform rating that you can then upload to compare with others ...
Configure Terraform in Windows with Bash Configure Terraform in Windows with PowerShellCreate an SSH key pair: For more information, see How to create and use an SSH public and private key pair for Linux VMs in Azure.2. Implement the Terraform codeCreate a directory in which to test the sam...
Terraform的Windows版本为一个.exe文件,下载后把放置在自定义的文件夹中,最后配置号系统的PATH即可。 下载Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html),根据情况选择Windows 32-bit版 或 64-bit版 解压文件,复制到目标文件夹中,如:C:\LBWorkSpace\tool ...