标签: terraform-loop Terraform:动态 for_each 值无效。无法在 for_each 中使用对象值列表。需要一个可迭代的集合 地形版本:“1.2.9” \n list(object({}))当具有类型并标记为的输入变量sensitive = true传递给dynamic块时,Terraform 失败并出现无效值错误for_each。\n当输入变量标记为不敏感时,不会出现该...
$name=$json.rg $vmlist=(Get-AzVM-ResourceGroupName$name).Name $vmNames=@{} for($i=0;$i-lt$vmlist.Length;$i++){ $vmNames["Name$i"]=$vmlist[$i] } $vmNames|ConvertTo-Json 谢谢查尔斯的解释。
Current Terraform Version Terraform v0.12.6dev Use-cases While I found some examples on how to produce a list of maps, I am currently failing at producing a map of maps with a nested for loop. How would you go about producing: Outputs: a...
//case for the rc2 number is more than the number of zone for subnet locals { times = ceil(var.aws_ec2_create_number / length(var.aws_subnet_id_list)) } locals { // loop two list to generate a new list subnet_list_combine = flatten([ for p in range(local.times) : [ for q ...
在本节课中,我们将介绍For-Each Loop以及Map与Set的区别,搞懂Terraform中常见的循环语句用法 实验代码链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f6KwcjvAw9DPtmlbuczR8w?pwd=1234 提取码:1234 展开更多科技 计算机技术 微软 microsoft hashicorp iac loop terraform foreach azure ...
Maintainers and developers need to understand the order of operations for resources, which can have a complicated hierarchy. Understanding the number of resources created or just an indication of the context for the resource (loop or noloop), is important. This is so that you can easily ...
//case for the rc2 number is more than the number of zone for subnet locals { times = ceil(var.aws_ec2_create_number / length(var.aws_subnet_id_list)) } locals { // loop two list to generate a new list subnet_list_combine = flatten([ ...
首先需要的第一步是活的当前项目的提交历史列表。 然后在特定的版本后,选择 <> 标记,进入这个版本...
这样的操作可能包括打印元素、修改元素的值或应用一个自定义函数等等。在 C++ 标准库中,std::for_...
azurerm_application_insights_api_key - fix condition that nil checks the list of available API keys to prevent an indefinate loop when keys created outside of Terraform are present (#28037) azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_sql_database - send tenant_id only if it has been ...