比如 local-exec remote-exec# 自动化 terraform init -input=false to initialize the working directory. terraform plan -out=tfplan -input=false to create a plan and save it to the local file tfplan. terraform apply -input=false tfplan to apply the plan stored in the file tfplan. 使用...
git clone https://github.com/aws-ia/terraform-aws-mwaa.git在示例/基本文件夹中,我们有一个简单的 MWAA 堆栈,我们可以使用它来测试一切是否正常。├── README.md├── dags│ └── hello_world_dag.py├── main.tf├── mwaa│ └── requirements.txt├── outputs.tf├── provid...
- Reusing previous version of aliyun/alicloud from the dependency lock file - Using aliyun/alicloud v1.115.1 from the shared cache directory Terraform has been successfully initialized! 格式化terraform文件 fmt默认会回格式化处理当前目录下.tf文件,并格式为标准的tf格式。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...
Terraformer by default separates each resource into a file, which is put into a given service directory. The default path for resource files is{output}/{provider}/{service}/{resource}.tfand can vary for each provider. It's possible to adjust the generated structure by: ...
flex_volume_fs_type- (Optional, ForceNew) The type of the mounted file system. The default value is determined by the script of FlexVolume. flex_volume_options- (Optional, ForceNew) The list of FlexVolume objects. Each object is a key-value pair contained in a JSON string. ...
Azure Resource Manager和Azure Active Directory Terraform Provider将使用一个激活的Azure Cli登录以访问Azure。他们可以使用其他认证方法,但在本例中,我在运行Terraform之前先登录。 az loginNote, we have launched a browser for you to login. For old experience with device code, use "az login --use-device...
Each Terraform configuration must be in its own working directory. Create a directory for your configuration. $ mkdir learn-terraform-aws-instance 1. Change into the directory. $ cd learn-terraform-aws-instance 1. Create a file to define your infrastructure. ...
Deleting the subscription resource or removing it from your configuration will remove it from your state file and management, but will not destroy the DB Instance. You can resume managing the subscription db instance via the AlibabaCloud Console....
在左侧菜单选择Azure Active Directory,选择应用注册,点击新注册: 注册应用程序: 添加密码: 设置说明和时长: 创建完后要马上记下密码,后面无法再获取密码值: 查看租户 需要查看租户ID,或创建租户: 分配角色 到订阅管理界面:Subscriptions page in Azure portal,查看订阅列表: ...
Theterraform fmtcommand formats your Terraform configuration to a subset of the above recommendations. By default, theterraform fmtcommand will only modify your Terraform code in the directory that you execute it in, but you can include the-recursiveflag to modify code in all subdirectories as wel...