{ description = "The language of the notebook." type = string } resource "databricks_notebook" "this" { path = "${data.databricks_current_user.me.home}/${var.notebook_subdirectory}/${var.notebook_filename}" language = var.notebook_language source = "./${var.notebook_filename}" }...
resource "databricks_secret_scope" "this" { name = "demo-${data.databricks_current_user.me.alphanumeric}" } resource "databricks_token" "pat" { comment = "Created from ${abspath(path.module)}" lifetime_seconds = 3600 } resource "databricks_secret" "token" { string_value = databricks_to...
Data Sources: Data sources allow data to be fetched or computed for use elsewhere in Terraform configuration. 是一种特殊的 resource,即data resource, 声明data "aws_ami" "example" {},data "local_file" "foo" { filename = "${path.module}/foo.bar"},data "template_file" xx {} Provisioner...
ami = data.aws_ami.my_image.id instance_type = var.instance_type tags = { “Owner” = “int32bit” “Name” = “int32bit-test-ft” “Newkey” = “test_new_key” } } 如上例子中的EC2镜像没有指定AMI ID,而是通过 data引用,Terraform运行时将首先根据标签选择镜像,然后选择状态为 available...
data "alicloud_db_zones" "queryzones" { instance_charge_type= "PostPaid" engine = "PostgreSQL" db_instance_storage_type = "cloud_essd" } 说明 vim命令配置完成后,需按Esc后输入:wq保存并退出。 在执行目录中使用terraform init命令初始化配置。 以Windows客户端为例,执行结果示例如下: PS D:\rdspg...
data "archive_file" "mad_libs" { depends_on = [ local_file.mad_libs ] type = "zip" source_dir = "${path.module}/madlibs" output_path = "${path.cwd}/madlibs.zip" 如何引用变量的值?var.. 注意事项 Terraform 不支持自定义函数。我们只能使用 Terraform 内置的大约 100 个函数进行编程。
Convert refresh data to go struct. Generate HCL file - tf/json files. Generate tfstate files. All mapping of resource is made by providers and Terraform. Upgrades are needed only for providers. GCP compute resources For GCP compute resources, use generated code from providers/gcp/gcp_compute_co...
borrowing an idea from the SQL database language, it typically phrases its methods using some form of the four basic commands for handling resources, which Terraform interprets as create, read, update, and delete. It's up to the intermediate plugins to map the commands the API provides to ...
Datasources start with data_. Make sure you have terraform in your PATH. Run cargo install terrars, then terrars-generate terrars_aws.json. The first time you do this, create a src/bin/mydeploy/tfschema/mod.rs file with this contents to root the generated provider: pub mod aws; ...