Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/)是 HashiCorp 旗下的一款开源(Go 语言开发)的 DevOps 基础架构资源管理运维工具。他的本质是基于版本化的管理能力上,安全、高效地创建和修改用户生产环境的基础设施。 Terraform 有很多非常强大的特性值得我们参考: - 基础设施即代码:Infrastructure as Code。基础设施可以使用高级...
As a developer, you want to ensure that the same code can be used multiple times based on variables provided during runtime. And this is where input variables come into the picture. Input variables, sometimes referred to as just “Terraform variables” or “variables’ allow you to customize ...
Repository containing various Terraform code Lots of Terraform recipes for doing things, aimed for copy and pasting into projects. AWS Examples Azure Examples Google Cloud Platform Examples Knowledge-as-code Terraform is an ideal knowledge transfer tool that can communicate the minutea of using certain...
Here’s a partial example of the Terraform Plan output to the console by running theterraform plancommand. This example uses the Terraform code examples found below in this article. chris@Azure:~$ terraform plan Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan... The refreshed state will be ...
Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/)是HashiCorp 旗下的一款开源(Go 语言开发)的 DevOps 基础架构资源管理运维工具。他的本质是基于版本化的管理能力上,安全、高效地创建和修改用户生产环境的基础设施。 Terraform 有很多非常强大的特性值得我们参考: 基础设施即代码:Infrastructure as Code。基础设施可以使用高级配置...
Examples API Reference Cookbook Deploy Kaito using Azure CLI As stated in the documentation, enabling the Kubernetes AI toolchain operator add-on in AKS creates a managed identity named ai-toolchain-operator-<aks-cluster-name>. This managed identity is utilized by the GPU provisioner controller...
Terraform is a powerful infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that enables you to define and manage your cloud infrastructure in a declarative manner. One of the key features of Terraform is the ability to use variables, which allow you to parameterize your configurations and make them more flexible...
基础设施即代码(Infrastructure as Code, IaC)已经成为云时代DevOps实践中不可或缺的一环。通过代码来管理和配置基础设施,我们可以像开发软件一样,用工程化的方法来对待基础设施。在IaC领域,Terraform无疑是最流行的工具之一。1、Terraform和Provider简介 Terraform是一个用于安全高效地构建、更改和版本控制基础设施的工具...
一、简介 模块是为了便为管理与复用,就跟函数是一样的。一个模块大概有以下文件: main.tf:就像是函数入口; README.md:如函数的声明; variables.tf: 变量说明,就像函数的入参; outputs.tf: 输出,如函数的返回值; examples: 使用示例; 另外,模块也是
针对思科的IOS-XE设备,除了前面两个实验里提到的VLAN之外,Terraform还支持对下列功能进行相关的操作: 并且思科官方在github上( terraform-provider-iosxe/examples/examples_tf at main · CiscoDevNet/terraform-provider-iosxe)也给出了针对上述所有特性的相关操作演示代码,供用户参考和学习:...