{ "output": { "ecs_instance_1-private-ip": { "value": "${alicloud_instance.ecs_instance_1.private_ip}" }, "ecs_instance_2-private-ip": { "value": "${alicloud_instance.ecs_instance_2.private_ip}" }, "ponyai_business_1-slb-address": { "value": "${alicloud_slb.ponyai_bus...
Terraform 社区版曾采用 MPL 2.0 许可证,但在 2022 年更改为 BSL (Business Source License) 许可证。BSL 许可证是一种混合型许可证,在一定期限内限制代码的商业使用,之后会转换为开源许可证。Terraform Enterprise/Cloud 则为专有软件,其许可证条款和限制取决于具体的订阅方案。 用户在选择基础设施管理平台时,需要...
update, and control versioning of cloud infrastructure. With Terraform, you can generate and execute plans based on your desired end state, re-provision infrastructure based on configuration changes, and realize hybrid cloud and multicloud deployments. For these reasons, your business may...
Maximize infrastructure investments using a standardized automated workflow from Terraform to provision and manage cloud, on-premises, and SaaS infrastructure.
Terraform Cloud is a hosted service developed by HashiCorp that provides a collaborative workspace for teams to use Terraform, an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) software tool. It enables teams to manage infrastructure provisioning, compliance,
此案例中,云运维团队负责IaC模块的部署和运维,使用 Terraform Cloud Workspace 进行 IaC 代码发布与管理。数据开发团队负责针对具体的 ETL 任务场景开发 Glue 脚本,使用 CodeCommit 进行代码管理,使用 CodeBuild 实现 CI/CD 内容,最后通过 CodePipeline 或 EventBridge 实现 CI/CD 流水线的串联。两支团队配合实现以下场...
此案例中,云运维团队负责IaC模块的部署和运维,使用 Terraform Cloud Workspace 进行 IaC 代码发布与管理。数据开发团队负责针对具体的 ETL 任务场景开发 Glue 脚本,使用 CodeCommit 进行代码管理,使用 CodeBuild 实现 CI/CD 内容,最后通过 CodePipeline 或 EventBridge 实现 CI/CD 流水线的串联。两支团队配合实现以下场...
In Terraform Cloud for Business, configure the necessary user account variables for the APIC servers. Note: These have been configured using TFCB's Variable Set function for sharing variables between workspaces. Execute Deployment In Terraform Cloud for Business, queue a new plan to trigger the ini...
They do not require a central server for saving the state of your infrastructure. Agentless Both use an agentless system. With Terraform, commands are sent to the cloud services which then use their own agents to carry out functions. Ansible does require you to run SSH Daemon, and also ...