{"cloudName":"AzureCloud","homeTenantId":"2951528a-e359-4846-9817-ec3ebc2664d4","id":"cd7921d5-9ba9-45db-bfba-1c397fcaaba3","isDefault":true,"managedByTenants": [],"name":"Free Trial","state":"Enabled","tenantId":"2951528a-e359-4846-9817-ec3ebc2664d4","user": {"nam...
重要 Azure 登陸區域指引建議啟用 DDoS 網路保護,以提高 Azure 平台的保護。 若要避免非生產環境與 MVP 部署中的非預期成本,Azure 登陸區域 Terraform 模組會因為與此資源相關聯的成本而停用此功能。 針對生產環境,強烈建議您啟用這項功能。當您啟用部署 DDoS 保護方案資源的部署時,模組會部署及管理...
通过选择 Azure Cloud Shell 顶部的图标或在 Cloud Shell 中运行code.命令,打开 Azure Cloud Shell编辑器。 在Azure Cloud Shell 编辑器中,展开 try_terraform目录并选择文件 main.tf。 将上一个 Terraform 代码(以注释# 1-Define Terraform Provider开头)的第一部分复制并粘贴...
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.name virtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.main.name address_prefixes = [""] } resource "azurerm_network_interface" "main" { name = "${var.prefix}-nic" location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location resource_group...
虽然市场上有许多云提供商,但在本文中,我们将重点关注三大云供应商:AWS(亚马逊网络服务)、Google Cloud(谷歌云)和 Microsoft Azure(微软智能云)。我们将在每个使用的 Terraform 上配置一个托管单节点 k8s。 我们将探索在每个云提供商上使用 Terraform 配置 Kubernetes 的复杂性,并且对其进行比较之后作一个简短的总结...
Authenticate via a Microsoft account from Cloud Shell (using Bash or PowerShell) Authenticate via a Microsoft account from Windows (using Bash or PowerShell) Create a service principal using the Azure CLI Create a service principal using Azure PowerShell Specify service principal credentials in enviro...
* Google Cloud SDK 397.0.0 * aws-cli 2.7.7 使用Terraform创建GKE Code Snippet 准备一个GCS bucket 存放 terraform 状态文件 # valid LOCATION values are `asia`, `eu` or `us` gsutil mb -l $LOCATION gs://$BUCKET_NAME gsutil versioning set on gs://$BUCKET_NAME ...
data"azurerm_client_config""core"{} # Use variables to customize the deployment variable"root_id"{ type = string default ="es"} variable"root_name"{ type = string default ="Enterprise-Scale"} # Declare the Terraform Module for Cloud Adoption Framework # Enterprise-scale and p...
* Google Cloud SDK 397.0.0 * aws-cli 2.7.7 使用Terraform创建GKE 准备一个GCS bucket 1 2 3 # valid LOCATION values are `asia`, `eu` or `us` gsutil mb -l $LOCATION gs://$BUCKET_NAME gsutil versioningseton gs://$BUCKET_NAME
By integrating Terraform Cloud with an identity provider such as Okta, Azure Active Directory, or Google Workspace, organizations can streamline user management and enhance security. With SSO, users no longer need to maintain separate credentials for Terraform Cloud, simplifying the authentication process...