{data.azurerm_resource_group.rg.name}" app_service_plan_id = "${azurerm_app_service_plan.plan.id}" storage_connection_string = "${azurerm_storage_account.storage.primary_connection_string}" version = "~2" app_settings = { FUNCTION_APP_EDIT_MODE = "readOnly" https_only = true DOCKER...
我正在尝试通过 Terraform 部署 Azure Linux 函数应用程序。此功能应用程序使用基于 Microsoft 的身份验证。在我的函数应用程序资源模板中,我有这个用于身份验证的块...
functionAppConfig Azure 函式應用程式的特定設定。 FunctionAppConfig hostingEnvironmentProfile 要用於應用程式的App Service環境。 HostingEnvironmentProfile hostNamesDisabled <程式代碼>true 停用應用程式的公用主機名;否則,<程式代碼>false。 如果<程式代碼>true,則應用程式只能透過 API 管理程式存取。 bool hostNameSsl...
apiManagementConfig 链接到应用的 Azure API 管理设置。 ApiManagementConfig appCommandLine 要启动的应用命令行。 string appSettings 应用程序设置。 NameValuePair[] autoHealEnabled true 如果启用了“自动愈合”,则为 ;否则为 false。 bool autoHealRules 自动愈合规则。 AutoHealRules autoSwapSlotName ...
function_identity.id] } storage_account_name = azurerm_storage_account.storage_account.name storage_uses_managed_identity = true service_plan_id = azurerm_service_plan.app_service_plan.id site_config { application_stack { python_version = "3.9" } } app_settings = { WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_...
Terraform v1.0.4 azurerm v2.71.0 Description Usingauthin azurerm_function_app enables Easy Auth v1, now v2 is available. Please upgrade. In this context please also allow to setUnauthenticated requests. dr-dolittle, rrmistry, ZachTB123, kw-berk, ksukenny, rafabu, jakobyte1024, schwarzzz,...
functionAppConfig Configuration specific of the Azure Function app. FunctionAppConfig hostingEnvironmentProfile App Service Environment to use for the app. HostingEnvironmentProfile hostNamesDisabled true to disable the public hostnames of the app; otherwise, false. If true, the app is only accessible...
Welcome to our August Terraform on Azure bimonthly update! We hope the first update was helpful towards giving you insights in to what the product team has...