azurerm_function_app_function Terraform Configuration Files data "azurerm_subscription" "current" {} # Resource Group resource "azurerm_resource_group" "resource_group" { name = "resource-group-error-test" location = "Germany West Central" } # Storage account resource "random_id" "storage" {...
Azure Function App with Virtual Network Integration This template provisions a function app on a Premium plan with regional virtual network integration enabled to a newly created virtual network. Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine Azure Game Developer Virtual Machine includes Licencsed Engines like Unre...
functionAppConfig Configuration specific of the Azure Function app. FunctionAppConfig hostingEnvironmentProfile App Service Environment to use for the app. HostingEnvironmentProfile hostNamesDisabled true to disable the public hostnames of the app; otherwise, false. If true, the app is only accessible...
Terraform v1.0.4 azurerm v2.71.0 Description Usingauthin azurerm_function_app enables Easy Auth v1, now v2 is available. Please upgrade. In this context please also allow to setUnauthenticated requests. dr-dolittle, rrmistry, ZachTB123, kw-berk, ksukenny, rafabu, jakobyte1024, schwarzzz,...
functionAppConfig Configuration specific of the Azure Function app. FunctionAppConfig hostingEnvironmentProfile App Service Environment to use for the app. HostingEnvironmentProfile hostNamesDisabled true to disable the public hostnames of the app; otherwise, false. If true, the app is only accessible...
下面的代码片段演示了如何在terraform中提供HTTP触发函数: resource "azurerm_function_app" &# 浏览3提问于2021-05-27得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 使用bitbucket存储库作为模块源处理ssh/https auth 、、、 我正在尝试使用BitBucket中专用私有模块存储库中的Terraform模块。我在BitBucket中有一个应用程序存储库,...
一,引言 本篇文章中,我门将学习如何利用 Terraform 将 文件以及文件夹上传到 Azure Blob Storage,这个对于我们来说很方便,可以将一些不重要的内容也存储在源代码管理工具中! 开始今天的内容之前,我们先来看看今天的主角 Terraform fileset Function 根
이 템플릿을 사용하면 프라이빗 엔드포인트를 통해 Azure Storage와 통신하는 Azure Function App을 배포할 수 있습니다. Virtual Network 통합을 사용하여 Azure Function App 이 템플릿은 새로 만든 가상...
Fortify 软件安全研究团队将前沿研究转化为安全情报,为 Fortify 产品组合提供支持,包括 Fortify 静态代码...
blog post fasttrack for azure 65 min read create an azure openai, langchain, chromadb, and chainlit chat app in aks using terraform jan 08, 2024 in this sample, i demonstrate how to quickly build chat applications using python and leveraging powerful ...