In this quickstart, you use Terraform to create an Azure Application Gateway. Then you test the application gateway to make sure it works correctly. The Standard v2 SKU is used in this example. Terraformenables the definition, preview, and deployment of cloud infrastructure. Using Terraform, you...
For example, the Istio ingress controller supports layer 7 routing, HTTP redirects, retries, and other features. Azure Application Gateway: Azure Application Gateway is a regional, fully-managed load balancing service that can perform layer-7 routing and SSL termination. It also ...
# location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location # resource_group_name = # prefix_length = 30 # zones = ["1"] #} resource "azurerm_nat_gateway" "gw1" { name = "nat-Gateway" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location resource_group_name = ...
Merged stephybun merged 1 commit into main from f/app-gateway-add-tls13-customv2 Jan 16, 2023 Merged azurerm_application_gateway - add enums TLSv1_3 and CustomV2 to min_protocol_version and policy_type` #20029 stephybun merged 1 commit into main from f/app-gateway-add-tls13-cust... This includes: DNS records on Route 53 An SSL certificate for the domain from ACM API Gateway configuration for invoking the function over HTTP A Lambda function built from your JavaScript code Example 1: Simple API First, write down some simple code to deploy in ...
'azure''kubenet''none' networkPluginMode 網路外掛程式應該使用的模式。 'overlay' networkPolicy 用於建置 Kubernetes 網路的網路原則。 'azure''calico''cilium''none' outboundType 這隻能在叢集建立期間設定,且稍後無法變更。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 輸出輸出類型。 'loadBalancer''managedNA...
ManagedClusterNATGatewayProfile networkDataplane Kubernetes 群集中使用的网络数据平面。 “azure”“cilium” networkMode 如果networkPlugin 不是“azure”,则无法指定此项。 “bridge”“transparent” networkPlugin 用于生成 Kubernetes 网络的网络插件。 “azure”“kubenet”“none” networkPluginMode 网络插件应使用...
description="The Azure location where all resources in this example should be created"} 好了,现在我们用两种方式执行Terraform 第一种:通过读取variable.tf中的变量值,来创建Azure资源 第二种:通过执行terraform -apply 过程中,直接设置变量值 我们开始第一种方法:通过读取variable.tf中的变量值,来创建Azure资源...