resource/aws_iam_role: Theinline_policyargument is deprecated. Use theaws_iam_role_policyresource instead. If Terraform should exclusively manage all inline policy associations (the current behavior of this argument), use theaws_iam_role_policies_exclusiveresource as well. (#39203) resource/aws...
Terraform Core Version 1.8.3 AWS Provider Version 5.75.1 Affected Resource(s) aws_iam_role_policies_exclusive Expected Behavior After I locked the set of policy names in an aws_iam_role_policies_exclusive resource, I would expect that ad...
Terraform will create two resources: the instance and the elastic IP. In the "instance" value for the "aws_eip", we can see the raw interpolation is still present. This is because this variable won't be known until the "aws_instance" is created. It will be replaced at apply-time. Ne...
1:VIP 在AWS由于Subnet无法跨AZ,所以实现的方法就存在两种。Overlay的假IP,就是一个存粹的路由表指向,将这个不真实存在于VPC内的IP指向一个ENI ; 还有一种方式就是EIP,也就是拥有固定外网IP的Public IP. 2:IAM Role的权限 这个权限定义通常是集群主机内所有主机的开关机权限。然后以ec2 role的...
我将通过实际操作,使用Terraform在AWS上创建各种基础设施资源,包括VPC、子网、路由表、网关、安全组、EC2实例、EBS卷和弹性IP(EIP)。此外,我还将分享如何创建EKS的IAM角色,定义EKS的Terraform配置文件,以及如何配置EKS Node Group的IAM角色和节点组,一步一步创建EKS集群。
data"aws_iam_policy_document""state_machine_role_policy"{statement{effect ="Allow"actions = ["lambda:InvokeFunction"] resources = ["${aws_lambda_function.[[myFunction]].arn}:*"] } } contoh Terraform di Koleksi Alur Kerja Tanah
现在建立 Terraform EC2 Role, 请如下操作 IAM-> Roles->Create role, 选择 AWS Service -> EC2 搜索之前创建的 Policy, terraform, 勾选之前创建的 Policy 填写role 的名字: terraform-ec2-role 选中之前创建的 Terraform EC2, 依次执行如图 更新为我们创建的Role: terraform-ec2-role 如上,我就完成基础环境的...
Navigate to the IAM Console, and then choose Roles from the navigation pane. Search for the CodeBuild service role, select it, and then choose Add inline policy. Note: The inline policy is used to avoid accidental deletions or modifications, and provide a one-to-one relationship between the...
#terraform是是一款基础架构即代码工具(IaC),几乎支持市面上所有的云服务,能够通过代码管理 IT 资源,并自动化部署资源,从而避免手动部署可能引发的错误。此外,Terraform 的命令行接口(CLI)简化了将配置文件部署到#AWS或其他云平台的过程。 本教程将介绍如何通过 Terraform 快速地在 AWS 部署#DolphinDB单节点和高可用集...