aws = aws.ap-northeast-2 } cluster_endpoint_public_access = true create_kms_key = false create_cloudwatch_log_group = false cluster_encryption_config = {} cluster_addons = { coredns = { most_recent = true } kube-proxy = { most_recent = true } vpc-cni = { most_recent = true } ...
Terraform Core Version 1.6.1 AWS Provider Version 5.53.0 Affected Resource(s) aws_cloudwatch_log_group Expected Behavior The tags object should contain a list of the assigned tags on the resource. The retention days returns 0 Actual Beha...
我们将通过 STS 去创建包含 CloudWatch 权限的角色,角色会附加到由 AutoScalingGroup 创建的 ShardingSphere-Proxy 实例上,其运行日志会被 CloudWatch Agent 采集到 CloudWatch 上。 默认会创建名为 shardingsphere-proxy.log 的 log_group,CloudWatch 的具体配置见 [5]。 resource "aws_iam_role" "sts" { n...
通过在Terraform配置文件中启用CloudWatch Logs,可以自动将容器的日志发送到CloudWatch Logs中。 resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "web_app_log_group" { name = "/ecs/web-app"}resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "web_app_task_definition" { # ... log_configuration { log_driver = "awslogs" opt...
ShardingSphere-Proxy 的运行日志会被 CloudWatch Agent 采集到 CloudWatch 上。默认会创建名为shardingsphere-proxy.log的 log_group。 CloudWatch 的具体配置见[5]。 resource "aws_iam_role" "sts" { name = "shardingsphere-proxy-sts-role" assume_role_policy = <<EOF ...
进入S3、DynamoDB,以及CloudWatch的“/aws/lambda/iotdemo_lambda_test”的Log Group可以看到相关信息纪录和log信息。 总结 本博文介绍如何使用Terraform来对Amazon IoT进行规则操作的自动化部署。详细介绍了如何利用Amazon IoT规则操作在DynamoDB,通过Kinesis Data Firehose在S3来存储数据,以及使用Lambda进行数据处理...
ami instance_type =var.instance_type key_name =var.key_name network_interface { delete_on_termination =falsedevice_index =0network_interface_id = element(aws_network_interface.zk.*.id, count.index) } tags = merge(var.tags, ...
Launch Config and Auto Scaling Group Health Checks and Logs 二、Networking Ref:List of AWS regions and availability zones 路由表:一个public,一个private。 思考:与[AWS] Terraform: 03 - VPC + NAT的区别 #Production VPCresource"aws_vpc""production-vpc"{ ...
catalog"map_config_paths="*.yaml"context=module.this.context}module"cloudtrail_api_alarms"{source="cloudposse/cloudtrail-cloudwatch-alarms/aws"#Cloud Posse recommends pinning every module to a specific version#version = "x.x.x"log_group_name="${}"metrics=...
Cloudwatch Log Group OIDC provider Some security groups Some IAM roles and policies Publishing a Module to the Private Registry We first need to publish our module to the registry. As shown in the screenshot below, click on the publish button in the Private Registry: ...