AWS Provider提供了一种提供身份验证凭据的灵活方法,主要支持如下四种方式: 1)静态凭据 2)环境变量 3)共享凭据文件 4)EC2角色 # Thedefaultprovider provider"aws"{#...}# West coast region provider"aws"{alias="west"region="us-west-2"}命名Provi...
resource"aws_instance""example"{ ami=var.AMIS[var.AWS_REGION] instance_type=var.INSTANCE_TYPE } 变量的定义 # definevariable"AWS_ACCESS_KEY"{# 敏感信息的处理}variable"AWS_SECRET_KEY"{ }variable"AWS_REGION"{default="eu-west-1"}variable"AMIS"{ type= map(string)default={ us-east-...
resource"aws_eks_cluster""example_0"{name="example_0"role_arn = aws_iam_role.cluster_role.arn vpc_config{endpoint_private_access=trueendpoint_public_access =truesubnet_ids = var.subnet_ids[0] } } resource"aws_eks_cluster""example_1"{name="example_1"role_arn = aws_iam_role....
Provider configurations may useinterpolation syntaxto allow dynamic configuration: provider"aws"{region="${var.aws_region}"} Interpolation is supported only for the per-provider configuration arguments. It is not supported for the specialaliasandversionarguments. ...
provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1" } module "webservers" { source = "../../../modules/services/webservers" cluster_name = "webservers-dev" } We can check if that's working:$ aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region us-east-1 |grep webservers "GroupName": "webservers-dev...
provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1" } provider "aws" { alias = "west" region = "us-west-2" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. resource "aws_instance" "example" { provider = aws.west # ... } module "aws_vpc" { ...
A block has atype(resourcein this example). Each block type defines how manylabelsmust follow the type keyword. Theresourceblock type expects two labels, which areaws_instanceandexamplein the example above. Theaws_instancelabel is specific to the AWS provider. It specifies theresourcetype that ...
Resource Orchestration Service服務為Terraform提供了託管的能力,您可以建立Terraform類型的模板,定義阿里雲、AWS或Azure資源,配置資源參數和資源間的依賴關係。更多資訊,請參見建立Terraform類型模板、建立Terraform類型資源棧。 說明 關於Terraform的更多資訊,請參見Terraform。
resource "aws_instance" "example" { ami = "abc123" network_interface { # ... } } 块是参数的容器,由块类型,标签和块主体构成。块主体在块类型关键字和标签之后定义,由`{`和`}`字符分隔。在块主体内,可以嵌套其他块类型以实现不同的层级结构。
A closer look at how Terraform providers work, including how to install them, how to control the version, and how to use them in your code; how to use multiple copies of the same provider, including how to deploy to multiple AWS regions, how to deploy to multiple AWS accounts, and how...