description = "The desired capacity is the initial capacity of the Auto Scaling group at the time of its creation and the capacity it attempts to maintain. see, The defa...
enable_http2 Indicates whether HTTP/2 is enabled in application load balancers. bool true no enable_waf_fail_open Indicates whether to allow a WAF-enabled load balancer to route requests to targets if it is unable to forward the request to AWS WAF. bool false no existing_access_logs_bucket...
description = "The desired capacity is the initial capacity of the Auto Scaling group at the time of its creation and the capacity it attempts to maintain. see, The defa...
Application Load Balancer (ALB) Domain name using AWS Route53 which points to ALB AWS Elastic Cloud Service (ECS) and AWS Fargate running Atlantis Docker image AWS Parameter Store to keep secrets and access them in ECS task nativelyAWS Fargate is used instead of AWS ECS/EC2 to reduce the bi...
data "aws_ami" "base" { owners = ["amazon"] filter { name = "name" values = ["amzn2-ami-hvm-*-x86_64-ebs"] } most_recent = true } data "aws_availability_zones" "available" { state = "available" } resource "aws_network_interface" "zk" { ...
楼主你好,当前确实没有找到Terraform Provider中关于CLB访问日志配置的相关资源。目前的CLB访问日志配置只能...
ami instance_type =var.instance_type key_name =var.key_name network_interface { delete_on_termination =falsedevice_index =0network_interface_id = element(aws_network_interface.zk.*.id, count.index) } tags = merge(var.tags, ...
使用Terraform 實作適用於 AWSWAF解決方案的 Security Automations,其會部署一組防火牆規則,以協助防範常見的 Web 型攻擊。
EC2 竞价实例:使用aws_spot_instance_request资源类型来请求竞价实例。 Auto Scaling Group:使用aws_autoscaling_group资源类型来创建自动扩展组,以管理竞价实例的数量。 Load Balancer:使用aws_elb或aws_alb资源类型来创建负载均衡器,确保流量均匀分布到各个运行器实例。
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKI... export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=oNw... Run "terraform init", "terraform plan", and then "terraform apply": $terraform apply... Do you want to perform these actions? Terraform will perform the actions described above. ...