lb_listener_rule: (object(lb_listener_rule)) All outputs of the created 'aws_lb_listener_rule' resource. module_enabled: (bool) Whether this module is enabled. module_tags: (map(string)) The map of tags that are being applied to all created resources that accept tags....
其中查了下AWS NLB listener 配置,确定需要使用TCP_UDP协议。 To support both TCP and UDP on the same port, create a TCP_UDP listener. The target groups for a TCP_UDP listener must use the TCP_UDP protocol. Terraform 代码如下: resource "aws_lb_target_group" "consul_nlb_tg" { name = "...
resource "aws_autoscaling_attachment" "asg_attachment_lb" { autoscaling_group_name = lb_target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.ss_tg.arn } resource "aws_lb_listener" "ss" { load_balancer_arn = port = var.lb_listener_port protocol = "TCP...
autoscaling_group_name = } resource"aws_lb_listener""ss"{ load_balancer_arn ="TCP"default_action { type ="forward"target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.ss_...
Terraform:If-else不使用alb_lb_listener资源 我正在尝试创建带有if-else条件的terraform插值的资源aws_lb_listener。但它告诉我,基础设施没有任何变化。但是,它还没有在基础设施上创建https监听器。 浏览17提问于2019-01-31得票数0 回答已采纳 1回答
链式前向星可以存图, 它存图的方式是: 将 任 意 一 个 节 点 的 所 有 临 边 按 输 ...
load_balancer_arn = port = var.lb_listener_port protocol = "TCP" default_action { type = "forward" target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.ss_tg.arn } tags = { Name = "shardingsphere-proxy" } } 配置域名 我们将创建默认为proxy.shardingsphere.org的内部域名,实际内部指向...
provider "aws" { region = "cn-northwest-1" } #terraform init 3.2获取现有资源 1)获取VPC # terraformer import aws --resources=vpc 2)获取子网: # terraformer import aws --resources=subnet 3)获取igw,nat # terraformer import aws --resources=igw,nat ...
Terraform模块,它为由AWS Fargate支持的ECS提供任务定义,服务,扩展和负载平衡。 地形版本 地形> = 0.12 用法 # # Locals locals { tags = { environment = " development " } } # # Data data " aws_lb " " this " { name = " my-alb " ...
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "ss_tg" { name = "shardingsphere-proxy-lb-tg" port = var.lb_listener_port protocol = "TCP" vpc_id = var.vpc_id preserve_client_ip = false health_check { protocol = "TCP" healthy_threshold = 2 ...