Terraform是一个高度可扩展的工具,通过Provider来扩展对新的基础架构的支持,几乎支持所有的云服务平台,包括AWS、GCP、Azure、阿里云等,AWS只是Terraform Providers 中的一种。 Terraform基于AWS Go SDK进行构建,采用HashiCorp配置语言(HCL)对资源进行编排,具体的说就是可以用代码来管理维护IT资源,比如针对AWS,我们可以用它...
Security groups act as virtual firewalls, controlling inbound and outbound traffic for your AWS EC2 terraform instance. To configure security groups using Terraform, you’ll define the rules and permissions. Here’s an example:resource "aws_security_group" "my_sg" { name = "my-security-group"...
第三,我尝试在该子网内创建一个AWS实例。听起来很简单,但是subnet_id参数似乎破坏了 terraform 的“apply”(计划工作得很好)。我错过了什么吗? 从main.tf 中摘录 resource "aws_vpc" "poc-vpc" { cidr_block = "" instance_tenancy = "dedicated" enable_dns_hostnames = "true" } resource ...
provider"aws"{#...}# West coast region provider"aws"{alias="west"region="us-west-2"}命名Provider后,可以在资源中引用该provider 字段: resource"aws_instance""foo"{provider="aws.west"#...} 2.4 HelloWorld 本章节将演示如何利用Terraform进行S3桶的自动化构建、修改、删除。
In this example, the resource type is aws_instance and the name is app_server. The prefix of the type maps to the name of the provider. In the example configuration, Terraform manages the aws_instance resource with the aws provider. Together, the resource type and resource name form a ...
aws_subnets subnet_id = each.value.id route_table_id = aws_route_table.rt.id } module "aws_security_group_private" { source = "./modules/aws/security_group" aws_security_group_name = format("%s-%s-%s-private-sg", var.project_prefix, var.aws_ec2_01_instance_name, var.project_...
+ aws_eip.bastion id: <computed> allocation_id: <computed> association_id: <computed> domain: <computed> instance: <computed> network_interface: <computed> private_ip: <computed> public_ip: <computed> vpc: "true" + aws_eip.nat[0] ...
使用Terraform 在 AWS 中国区域实现自动化部署指南系列(二) TERRAFORM 进阶(本博文) ——— 第3章 Terraform进阶 Terraform的功能非常丰富,可以通过Providers来提供对多平台的支持,通过Provisioners来实现本地与远程的脚本调用等功能,支持ssh与winrm的连接方式,也能作为Chef Client的方式运行,通过Modules去重用组件提高...
Terraform Module to provision an AWS EC2 instance with the latest amazon linux 2 ami and installed docker in it. Not intended for production use. It is an example module. It is just for showing how to create a publish module in Terraform Registry. Usage: provider "aws" { region = "us-...
resource"aws_network_interface""zk"{ count =var.cluster_size subnet_id = element(var.subnet_ids, count.index) security_groups =var.security_groups } resource"aws_instance""zk"{ count =var.cluster_size ami =data.aws_ami.base.id instance_type =var.instance_type ...