Terraform module which creates AWS Customer Gateway resources on AWS. This module has been extracted from the VPC module, because sometimes it makes sense to reuse Customer Gateways across multiple VPC resources. Check out other related modules - VPC, VPN Gateway and Transit Gateway for more detail...
从https://code.visualstudio.com/安装 VSCode从https://chocolatey.org/install安装 Terraform从https://git-scm.com/downloads安装 GIT从https://awscli.amazonaws.com/AWSCLIV2.msi安装 AWS CLI 我们将继续使用 CLI 配置我们的 AWS 凭证。https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-q...
aws-storage-gateway-FILE_S3-1.25.0 This automation provides you with a customizable Terraform module that you can use to provision an Amazon S3 File Gateway with all of the resources and dependencies needed to fully deploy the gateway and file shares in your VM environment. The Terraform module...
vpn_gateway.id customer_gateway_id = aws_customer_gateway.main.id vpc_id = aws_vpc.vpc.vpc_id vpc_subnet_route_table_count = 3 vpc_subnet_route_table_ids = ["rt-12322456", "rt-43433343", "rt-11223344"] # tunnel inside cidr & preshared keys (optional) tunnel1_inside_cidr = var....
使用Terraform 實作適用於 AWSWAF解決方案的 Security Automations,其會部署一組防火牆規則,以協助防範常見的 Web 型攻擊。
AWS Storage Gatewayintroduces Terraform modules for deploying Amazon S3 File Gateways in VMware environments. You can now leverage Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate and streamline the provisioning and configuration of Amazon S3 File Gateways, providing users with a faster, repe...
How to Import and Manage AWS Networking with Terraform and ControlMonkey How to Use AWS Service Catalog with HashiCorp Terraform Cloud Streamlined Resource Management with the Infosys Automated Self-Service Landing Zone Solution for AWS Automate Security and Monitoring with Amazon EKS Blueprints, Terraform...
terraform import aws_subnet.PrivateSubnetB subnet-05045746ac7362070 terraform import aws_internet_gateway.IGW igw-09056bba88a03f8fb terraform import aws_network_acl.NACL acl-0def8bcfeff536048 terraform import aws_route_table.PublicRoute rtb-082be686bca733626 ...
In a standardAWS VPCconfiguration, a “public” subnet has direct internet access, while a “private” subnet does not. Devices in the public subnet access the internet directly via an Internet Gateway (IGW), while devices in the private subnet must access the internet using network address tra...
statement_id = "AllowAPIGatewayInvoke" action = "lambda:InvokeFunction" function_name = aws_lambda_function.bogo-lambda-function.function_name principal = "apigateway.amazonaws.com" # The "/*/*" portion grants access from any method on any resource ...