aws_alb_target_group aws_ecs_service Error first run aws_ecs_service.servicelayer: InvalidParameterException: The target group with targetGroupArn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-central-1:xxx:targetgroup/prod-test-servicelayer-tg/xxx does not have an associated load balancer. status code: 400, ...
搜了一下,Terraform AWS Provider 也是在v2.17.0才支持TCP_UDP协议: Support for TCP_UDP and UDP in the protocol for the aws_lb_listener and aws_lb_target_group resources has been merged and will release with version 2.17.0...
usingAWS Fargateto manage the compute. Fargate is a serverless, pay-as-you-go compute engine that lets you focus on building apps without managing servers. Using Fargate helps reduce the undifferentiated heavy lifting that can come with
整个配置的流程用resource 完成,并未使用Module,思路和用AWS Console手动创建的过程一一匹配。 执行terraform apply的效果 基本流程: 配置基本的VPC网络,包括VPC,公网,私网,路由表,NGW, IGW 配置一个launch-configuraion 和 Autoscaling Group,放置我们的EC2 host 配置一个ALB,但是...
一、AWS Resources Next, let's configure the following AWS resources: Networking: VPC Public and private subnets Routing tables Internet Gateway Key Pairs Security Groups Load Balancers, Listeners, and Target Groups IAM Roles and Policies ECS: ...
NameVersion terraform >= 1.3 aws >= 5.46ProvidersNameVersion aws >= 5.46ModulesNameSourceVersion access_logs cloudposse/lb-s3-bucket/aws 0.19.0 default_load_balancer_label cloudposse/label/null 0.25.0 default_target_group_label cloudposse/label/null 0.25.0 this cloudposse/label/null 0.25.0...
provider "aws" { region = "cn-northwest-1" } #terraform init 3.2获取现有资源 1)获取VPC # terraformer import aws --resources=vpc 2)获取子网: # terraformer import aws --resources=subnet 3)获取igw,nat # terraformer import aws --resources=igw,nat ...
resource/aws_alb_target_group: Support import ofname_prefixargument (#33852) resource/aws_cloudfront_public_key: Support import ofname_prefixargument (#33852) resource/aws_db_option_group: Support import ofname_prefixargument (#33852)
target_group_arn = "${aws_alb_target_group.film_ratings_app_target_group.arn}" container_port = 3000 container_name = "film_ratings_app" } } Note:The minimum healthy percentage is 50%. This allows the service to stop a container task (leaving only one runni...
(译)Zalando 是如何管理 140 多个 Kubernetes 集群的