• Ternary operator in PowerShell • Javascript one line If...else...else if statement • How to do one-liner if else statement? • What is the idiomatic Go equivalent of C's ternary operator? • bash "if [ false ];" returns true instead of false -- why? • One-line li...
Design a novel g-C 3 N 4 based Ce 2 O 3 /CuO ternary photocatalysts for superior photo-degradation performance of organic mixed pollutants: Insights of Z-scheme charge transfer mechanismVignesh Shanmugam aSanjeevamuthu Suganthi bBaskaran Palanivel c...
The photocatalytic performance was assessed by the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under UV and Vis light. The TiO2/NiFe2-xCexO4/rGO nanocomposite demonstrated superior photocatalytic activity with high degradation rates. The enhanced photocatalytic efficiency is attributed to efficient electron ...
Ultrasound-assisted facile one-pot synthesis of ternary MWCNT/MnO2/rGO nanocomposite for high performance supercapacitors with commercial-level mass loadingsdoi:10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105896Bhaskar J. Choudhury aVijayanand S. Moholkar a bElsevier...
Subse- Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 366 3 of 21 quently, several other cationic substitutions were investigated with the aim of improving the TE performance by tuning the carrier concentration and introducing structural disorder such as Co [26], Cu [27], Ni [28], Fe [29], and Mn [30]. ...
etitoontaolflythferaccrtaucrke,st.hAe rseesixsptaenctceed, oftshteratienrsneanrsyorniasninocroemaspeodsuitnetislttrhaeinstrsuecntsuorre thoatsalltyhefraecxtcuerlelse.nAt speexrpfoercmteadn, ctheettoermnaornyintoarnothcoemcpraocskitein strSaHinMs.ensor has the excellent performance to monitor the...
If ∆w(T) < 0, then the experimental weight loss is higher than the theoretical one. This shows that the reactivity and/or interaction between the polymer and the filler leads to a thermal destabilization of the material. If ∆w(T) > 0, then the system is thermally stabilized. Heat...
nanomaterials Article A Novel Flower-Like Ag/AgCl/BiOCOOH Ternary Heterojunction Photocatalyst: Facile Construction and Its Superior Photocatalytic Performance for the Removal of Toxic Pollutants Shijie Li 1,*, Bing Xue 1,2, Genying Wu 3, Yanping Liu 1,2,*, Huiqiu Zhang 1 , Deyun Ma 4 and...
oPlryemvieorusmpaatpriexrswhaasveundiifsoclromse,dthseimMilWarCNT conteonbtsoefrv1awtiotn%s sbteicllafuasieleodftothfeordmistaribcuontiodnucotfivMe nWeCtwNoTrkinintwthoe pwhhasoelse bwlehnend mtheatrbilxe.nIdsilnagndofstrrauwctures were mfoartmerieadls disuceontdoutchteedssoilmidulptahnaeso...
The leakage Raman peaks observed at 111, 136, 163, and 229 cm−1 do not belong to first-order Raman modes of Zn2SnO4 and could originate from laser plasma effect, order–disorder in Zn2SnO4 structure, or something else. The band at 719 cm−1 that dominates the ZT–2 Raman ...