ternary operator基于多个条件的例子:在以下的例子中,if-else-if语句会被ternary operator所取代 varuserInput = Number(prompt("Please enter a month number - 1, 2 or 3"));varmonthName = userInput == 1 ? "January" : userInput == 2 ? "February" : userInput == 3 ? "March" : "Unknown m...
17 How is the ternary operator evaluated in JavaScript? 0 Javascript ternary operator 0 Weird ternary operator Javascript 3 Seemingly redundant ternary operators in javascript 0 JavaScript ternary operator usage clarification 6 Javascript ternary operator result 3 Javascript ternary operation 2 How...
Finally, the ternary operator is ended with an expression that will be executed if your condition isfalse. condition ? true expression : false expression; If you were to replicate the behavior of the ternary operator with an “if...else” statement, your code would look like what we have s...
The ternary operator is the only operator in JavaScript that works with 3 operands, and it’s a short way to express conditionals.This is how it looks:<condition> ? <expression> : <expression>The condition <condition> is evaluated as a boolean, and upon the result, the operator runs the...
In C++, the ternary operator is a concise, inline method used to execute one of two expressions based on a condition. In this tutorial, we will learn about the C++ ternary operator with the help of examples.
The ternary operator takes3 operands(condition,expression1, andexpression2). Hence, the nameternary operator. Example: Java Ternary Operator importjava.util.Scanner;classMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// take input from usersScanner input =newScanner(System.in); ...
Also, we'll do a brief comparison with the if-else statement, so we know when to use which one. Ternary Operator in JavaScript As in any other language, ternary operator in JavaScript has three operands: (condition) ? returnExpressionIfTrue : returnExpressionIfFalse; We can easily ...
How does the ternary operator handle short-circuit evaluation with multiple conditions? Short-circuit evaluation in the ternary operator occurs only for the evaluated condition. If multiple conditions are present, the subsequent conditions will be evaluated regardless of the outcome of the previous condit...
short-circuit evaluation in the ternary operator occurs only for the evaluated condition. if multiple conditions are present, the subsequent conditions will be evaluated regardless of the outcome of the previous conditions. can i use the ternary operator for error handling or exception handling? while...
That indentation is done until the ternary operator starts. Then the formatter adds two spaces for each level of nested condition . Try to add multiple nested conditions and you'll see the difference. Our formatter matches prettier's, so it's consistent. Copy link Contributor Author eMerzh ...