Ternary Operator The ternary operator is a simplified conditional operator likeif/else. Syntax:condition ? <expression if true> : <expression if false> Here is an example usingif/else: ExampleGet your own React.js Server Before: if(authenticated){renderApp();}else{renderLogin();} ...
Verwenden Sie ternäre Operatoren in JSX React ist ein Framework, das zum Erstellen von Benutzeroberflächen mit mehr Funktionen als einfache HTML-Websites verwendet wird, aber es ist immer noch möglich, das Aussehen von Elementen mithilfe von CSS-Stilen zu ändern. Insbesondere tern...
Bug Report I would like to work on a fix! I have close to zero experience with Babel's internals though. I would not be offended, if you think you can fix it yourself quicklier. Current Behavior The typescript preset is incompatible with...
The code has been edited and modified with the suggested solutions. Solution 1 suggests replacing "[...array]" with "array" for better efficiency. In Solution 2, it is recommended to avoid using nested ternary operators for better readability. Instead, one can keep an array or map of all ...