这样就可以实现当你进入系统中时,自启动apache2和Mariadb了; 如果你在Termux的那层将`proot-distro login ubuntuoldlts`用.sh存储了,也可也用`nohup`命令来后台启动,这样通过套娃的方式就可以实现启动了,同理甚至可以把这个.sh文件加入到Termux的自启动里...套娃+2.JPG 总结 总之,如果是拿闲置手机来当玩具玩一...
#备份alpineproot-distro backup alpine --output ./alpine20210513.tar.gz#备份archlinuxproot-distro backup archlinux --output ./archlinux20210513.tar.gz 命令解释: 把当作alpine发行版备份到当前目录下的alpine20210513.tar.gz文件 还原镜像 ⚠️警告还原操作会删除数据! 还原后就是备份的数据了。 proot-...
直接安装的jdk17开不了服务器 1.17或以下都不行。。。还有 安装linux可以用官方的proot-distro 直接pkg install proot-distro 然后proot-distro list查看可以安装的版本 2 花名册i回复@Frost-ZX:java版本不支持,开1.16说要java15以下,开1.17说要java16以下,我开的spigot 可能跟服务端有关系吧,还有我用proot-di...
proot-distro install where "" should be replaced by chosen distribution, e.g. "alpine". Note that it is expected that you have a stable Internet connection during installation, otherwise download may fail. After installation, you can start a shell session by executing next command: proot-di...
分享261 termux吧 Blackwood416 proot-distro和tmoe脚本的一些对比proot-distro没有tui界面,只是单纯的脚本命令,相对适合比较有经验的termux用户。 tmoe脚本具备tui操作界面,proot容器的安装也更加自动化,比较适合termux小白。 proot-distro的对于大陆用户并不够友好,容器rootfs下载地址在国外,容器内软件源是默认的,大部...
It turned out that tar was not able to extract the root fs .tar.gz/xz files and throwing permission denied for every file when I checked via verbose extraction.. What I did to solve - Create root fs folder manually and do chmod -R 777 (distro)-fs, chmod +rx (gz/xz file) and ex...
本吧热帖: 1-没想么termux竟然偷偷升级了 2-TermuC,自个儿整的C/C IDE,不到300K,采 3-termux 桌面已经可以使用中文输入法了!!! 4-termux kali提示这个怎么回事 5-fcitx5能export DISPLAY=:1到proot外面用吗? 6-为什么我的ter muX 11一直崩掉 7-Warning: localhost:
proot-distro login debian --user USERNAME 在Debian中安装 code-server 使用脚本一键安装 curl -fsSL https://code-server.dev/install.sh|sh 等一小会儿就好啦 然后输入 code-server 就可以**启动了,但是这个**启动是不完全体,接下来还需要配置外网访问 ...
https://github.com/sdrausty/termux-archlinux Besides arch you can also use any other distro in the proot. AndroNix might be interesting too. The problem with Termux on its own is that a lot of dependencies are missing and that Android does not follow the Linux standard filesystem hierarchy...