kali命令 说明 nethunter 启动 Kali NetHunter 命令行界面nethunter kex passwd 配置 KeX 密码 (仅在第一次使用前需要)nethunter kex & 开始 KeX 会话服务nethunter kex stop 停止 Kali NetHunter 桌面nethunter <command> 在 NetHunter 环境中运行命令nethunter -r 以 root 身份启动 Kali NetHunterk 命令行界面nethunte...
通过上面列出的功能和环境变化,Termux脱颖而出,因为它允许您在Android手机上安装渗透测试工具(渗透测试工具)/黑客软件,如Metasploit和NetHunter。 Termux 还附带了一个包管理器 (APT),可以更轻松地从 Termux 软件存储库中查找和安装您需要的包。 (APT),这样可以更轻松地从 Termux 软件存储库中查找和安装所需的软件...
proot-distro list 可以查看可安装的Linux系统。当前常见的Linux有 · Alpine Linux (alias: alpine) - the smallest of the available distributions. · Arch Linux (alias: archlinux) · Debian 10 Buster (alias: debian-buster) · Kali Nethunter (alias: nethunter) - only minimal build currently. · ...
请使用内置或安装在 Termux 里的文本编辑器,例如vi/vim/nano等直接编辑源文件,不要使用 RE 管理器等其他具有 ROOT 权限的外部 APP来修改 Termux 的文件 编辑$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list修改为如下内容 Bash # The termux repository mirror from TUNA:deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/termux-...
Here is the list of some community-provided scripts: Alpine Linux -https://github.com/Hax4us/TermuxAlpine Debian -https://github.com/sp4rkie/debian-on-termux Fedora -https://github.com/nmilosev/termux-fedora Kali Nethunter -https://github.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux ...
But in case you want to install popular security tools on termux without nethunter ( because nethunter itself need a lot of space for installation & setup ( minimum16 gb). I would prefer install proot-distro first and install all your security tools on it.Thats the better way. ...
⚡️An awesome list of the best Termux hacking tools - GitHub - may215/awesome-termux-hacking: ⚡️An awesome list of the best Termux hacking tools
nethunter, netscan, nexphisher, nikto, nmap, nmbf, onex, osif, osint, oxidtools, parrot os, password, paybag, payload, pentesting, phishing, phoneinfoga, ping, powersploit, pwn, pyrit, rainbow tables, rang3r, rat, ravana, reaver, recovery, red hawk, root, routersploit, rpcscan, saych...
Step 1: Install “wget” Command To install the Nethunter installation script from an online source, the user needs to have the “wget” command on an Android device. To install the “wget” Linux utility, utilize the “apt install wget” command: ...