Introducing the icePad for curling, a lethal combination of advanced patent pending technology and modern style that promotes increased brush speed and sweeping effectiveness.
7. Gimme: in golf, a putt (usually very short) conceded by an opponent, meaning that it does not have to be putted (There are no gimmes in professional golf or most club competitions.) 8. Grind: in skateboarding, to slide along the edge or top of an object 9. Hog: in curling, ...
A potent nonselective uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation that is not only effective when ingested, but can also be absorbed through the skin. It is used industrially as a wood preservative, in the production of explosives, and as an ingredient in insecticides. It is extremely flammable or exp...
The opening day of the 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with the "Beginning of Spring", which is the first of the 24 solar terms of the year. It is used to count down the last seconds before the ceremony, reflecting the Chin...
CURLING FIELD when the slopes are so icy that they resemble a curling field. ex. “check out that kid shreding the curling field” DANK An expression used to describe awesomeness. Ex: that board is totally dank! DEATH COOKIE a big snowball in the middle of a run frozen to the ground....
Scone- a quick bread used as a tea biscuit served hot with butter and jam. British Isles. Score- to cut shallow slits at regular intervals on the surface of a food, as in scoring fat on ham before glazing, for either decoration or to tenderize, or to prevent edges from curling. ...
Used only by linguists in other English-speaking countries, this word has come to be used by journalists and broadcasters, and then by the general public, in some parts of Canada. Anglophone - A Canadian whose first language is English. Arena - An ice rink with seats around it. Could be...
How information will be used The information collected during registration will be used by Tourism New Zealand to: Manage, operate, and administer the Tourism Business Database; Create a Business Profile on Tourism Business Database; Create a Product Listing; ...
How information will be used The information collected during registration will be used by Tourism New Zealand to: Manage, operate, and administer the Tourism Business Database; Create a Business Profile on Tourism Business Database; Create a Product Listing; ...
Caroling— singing Christmas songs; in the past, carolers would travel from house to house, singing outside Curling— team sport on ice, sliding stones towards a target area, using brooms to control the stone’s path Dog sledding— traveling on snow with a team of dogs pulling a sled or...