Aggressive: An aggressive wine is usually too high in acidity. The term can also be used to describe wines with hard tannins. Alcohol:Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, the by product of the fermentation process. Alliers:The forest region in France where Troncais grows. Wood from the Troncais ...
Transparent Wine: This is wine that has the ability to hold onto each distinct flavor. Unoaked: Wine that was not aged in an oak barrel. Varietal: A term used to describe wines made from a single grape variety. Vinification: The process of converting grape juice to wine. Viticulture: The...
France labels wines by region and not grape variety. This labeling behavior works well because there are 200+ unique varieties in France, and many wine regionsblend grape varieties. So, when you look at a label, the first thing to pay attention to (besides the producer’s name) isthe name...
You actually only need to add a few more terms to your vocabulary to crack the code. "Most of us know when we like a wine and when we don't, we just lack the words to describe WHY but the WHY is everything," Milne says. "The WHY is what makes your palate yours, and there ...
Aficionados use words like "oaky" to describe some wines, or "hoppy" when talking about certain beers. But for rum—a product with over 1,000 different varieties—putting the words together to describe what imbibers are smelling and tasting is a bit more
An austere wine is a hard, rather dry wine that lacks richness and generosity. However, young Rhônes are not as austere as young Bordeaux. B Backward An adjective used to describe (1) a young largely unevolved, closed, and undrinkable wine, (2) a wine that is not ready to drink, ...
Therefore, the term ‘orange wine’ cannot be used to describe skin contact white wines, unless the fruit has been sourced from the GI of Orange. An exemption from the false and misleading description and presentation provisions exists to allow for the use of a ‘common English word’, ...
APPELLATION— Designation of geographical origin of a wine. AROMA— The smell derived from grapes. Often used to describe the smell of a young wine, as contrasted with bouquet, the smell of an older wine. ASTRINGENT— Describes wines that make the mouth pucker, usually associated with an exces...
very old, rare or valuable wines. If there are questions about the provenance of wines offered for consignment at WineBid, we either reject the wines or state clearly on the lot descriptions that the provenance is unknown. Here are some of the terms used to describe how the wine was ...