Risk Aversion, Terms of Trade Uncertainty and Social-Consensus Trade Policy In the Ricardo-Viner model under certainty, some specific factors areharmed by any trade tax, and mo bile factors favor taxes on some-but not all-goods. This paper demonstrates in t he context of the Ricardo-Viner ...
Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (Incoterms)27 and Incoterms 2000;28 the Uniform [...] uncitral.org 该国通过公约即承担国际义务, 意在保证该国的法律与公约条款是相符合的。36 若不能实现高度协调,或者 较大程度的灵活性为人们所期望的, 并且 适合正在审议的主题事项,则 可以采用不同...
A trade policy that was defined in almost purely commercial terms, modified somewhat by considerations of fiscal and foreign policy, could be devised by a small number [...] daccess-ods.un.org 少数政府机构可以与范围有限的经济行为者协商,涉及 一种几乎完全以商业角度确定的贸 易政 策, 并根...
There is no consensus on the definition oftheterm,anduseofthetermmaymean legitimizingconceptsthatreinforce inequalities among economies, rationalize trade protectionism, [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 这个 词没有协商一致的定义,并且,这个词的使用可能意味着那些强化各经济体之间 不平等的...
ECF is a non- profit organization (ASBL, association sans but lucratif) under Belgian law. ECF’s statutes are published in the Moniteur Belge of April 24, 1997. ”ECF” and “EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network” are registered marks of ECF asbl. ...
Modes of Intl PaymentRemittance欢迎下载5Remitta neeCommercialcredit商业信用CollectionBnk credit帳行信用Letterof Credit欢迎下载6Def:指不同国家(地区)间一方向另一方转移资金,也就是说,某一银行(汇出行)应其客户的要求,将一定货币金额转移至其海外分行或代理行,指示其付款给某一指定收款 10、人。Wordlist:...
Revised American Foreign Trade Definit 5、ions 1990 美国对外贸易定义修订本6 惯例名称惯例名称制定者制定者时间时间 贸易术语贸易术语1990年美国对外贸易年美国对外贸易定义修正本定义修正本美国商业美国商业团体团体1919年年Ex Point of OriginFOB, FAS, C&F, CIF, Ex Dock1932年华沙年华沙 牛津规则牛津规则国际法...
Nothing in this Agreement will pass to Customer or any User title to any of the Services, any trade names, trade dress, trademarks, service marks, commercial symbols, copyrightable material, designs, logos and/or any other intellectual property of Provider or its vendors. Customer will not ...
considerthetermsofthe2010TrademarkLicense Agreementarefair and reasonableandintheinterests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. cre8ir.com cre8ir.com 董事認為,二零一零年商標許可協議的條款屬公平合理,並符合本公司及其股 東的整體利益。
Modes of Int’l Payment Remittance Def: 指不同国家〔地区〕间一方向另一方转移资金,也就是说,某一银行〔汇出行〕应其客户的要求,将一定货币金额转移至其海外分行或代理行,指示其付款给某一指定收款人。 Wordlist: remitting bank汇出行 the remitter汇款方 Mail Transfer, M/T信汇 payment order付款委托书 Bill...