Introducing Crazdude Art & DesignTerms of ServiceThank you for your interest in commissioning Crazdude!Please take the time to read the Terms of Service below.Also note: These rules apply to all past and future commissioners.By commissioning me, you are agreeing to the following terms:=...
it is derived from the concept of a newspaper, to describe the information on the bottom half of the front page, below where the newspaper was folded for distribution. See “Above the Fold.” Beneath the Fold See “Below the Fold.” Benefits Advantages that a product or service can offer...
Evidence shall be provided upon request of the client. The contractor may perform the service of disposal personally, have it performed by a qualified company or make other arrangements in consultation with the client. The commissioning of a subcontractor shall require the consent of the client. ...
A2.2 The commissioning of the service by the Customer shall be deemed a binding offer. A2.3 Unless otherwise stated in the order, Wibu-Systems is entitled to accept this offer within three weeks of its receipt. A2.4 Wibu-Systems shall declare acceptance by means of a written order confirmatio...
Requires (among other things) short cycle times, and hence is often used in pick-and-place or commissioning of materials. See also See also Rabbit Chase and Baton Touch. See also my posts The Lean Bucket Brigade – Part 1: Overview and The Lean Bucket Brigade – Part 2: Details and ...
8.3.2 the defect arises because the Customer failed to follow the Supplier’s oral or written instructions as to the storage, installation, commissioning, use or maintenance of the Products or (if there are none) good trade practice;8.3.3 the Customer alters or repairs such Products without ...
Consent of the user, Art. 6 ss. 1 lit. a GDPR. Data collected: IP address. If you enter data in the mortgage calculator and click Submit, this data will also be transmitted to Interhyp. Processing purposes: Use of the mortgage calculator ...
Alleging that both the Congress and CPM are hand-in-glove, the minister said, both the parties were no longer debating graft in solar panel installation, through which, people were duped of millions of rupees and financial scandal related to a hydroelectric infrastructure contract between the Keral...
Obligations of the Customer The Customer shall apply for and obtain all necessary licenses, permits and approvals required for the commissioning, acceptance, and use of the Supplies. The Customer is solely responsible for the conception, implementation and maintenance of a holistic, state-of-the-...
8.5.METPRO's warranty is excluded in the following cases: for damage to the delivery item due to unsuitable or improper use; faulty assembly or commissioning by the customer and third parties; natural wear and tear; faulty or negligent handling by the customer; improper maintenance; use of uns...