一、Draft/BillofExchange (一)(一)DefinitionDefinition Itisanunconditionalorderinwritingsignedby oneparty(drawer)requestingasecondparty (drawee/payer)tomakepaymentinlawful moneyimmediatelyoratadeterminablefuture timetoathirdparty(payee). 汇票是由一个人(drawer) ...
9、证l承兑交单承兑交单l付款交单付款交单l即期付款交单即期付款交单l见票远期付款交单见票远期付款交单一、一、definitionIt is a written undertaking by a bank given to the seller at the request, and in accordance with the instructions, of the buyer to effect payment up to a stated sum of money,...
一、Draft/BillofExchange (一)Definition Itisanunconditionalorderinwritingsignedbyoneparty(drawer)requestingasecondparty(drawee/payer)tomakepaymentinlawfulmoneyimmediatelyoratadeterminablefuturetimetoathirdparty(payee).汇票是由一个人(drawer)向另一个人签发的(drawee)无条件的书面命令要求受票...
The meaning of TERM is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject. How to use term in a sentence.
Chapter 6 Payment Terms 1. Instruments (means) of Payment Currency Bills Draft Promissory Note Cheque 2. Modes of Payment Remittance Collection L/C Payment Terms Payment Instruments 1) draft/Bill of Exchange Definition Basic contents of a draft Types of draft Use of draft The Roles of Bills ...
The meaning of TERM is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject. How to use term in a sentence.
SectionIInstrumentofPayment Instrumentofpaymentisadocumentthathasmonetaryvalue,orisafinancialtransaction.•BillofExchange•PromissoryNote•Check Billofexchange 1)DefinitionofBillofExchange“anunconditionalorderinwriting,addressedbyonepersontoanother,signedbythepersongivingit,requiringthepersontowhomitisaddressedtopay...
The Definition of an L/C A letter of credit is a document issued by your bank that essentially acts as an irrevocable guarantee of payment to a beneficiary or a seller. An L/C asks the bank to perform the obligation of payment firstly. The bank guarantee that sellers ...
Third,interms ofthedefinition ofMRIRitself, there will definitely be 50% of the tenants whose rent-to-income ratio [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 第三,就租金與入息比例中位數的本身定義而言,一定有 50%住戶的租 金與入息比例會超逾中位數,而任何中位數的上限只規限租金調整後租金與 ...
payment instruments—汇票、本票、支票 Payment terms—汇付、托收、信用证 Payment instruments of international trade In international trade, payment can be made by various means: drafts promissory notes checks money orders credit cards 一、Draft/ Bill of Exchange (一)Definition It is an unconditional ...