shall be judged by the Sponsor based on creativity and constructive elements. Entrants whose entries are selected will be considered potential winners, until the completion of winner notification and verification of the Entrant’s eligibility and compliance with there Terms and Conditions as described ...
000 Below are the terms and conditions governing the opening and operations of deposit accounts (the "Account(s)") with China Construction Bank (Malaysia) Berhad (Company No. 201601032761(1203702-U)) (the "Bank"). Berikut adalah terma dan syarat yang mentadbir pembukaan dan operasi untuk aka...
STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE 购买的标准条款和条件 热度: Terms&Conditions “AmBank’sWesternUnion ® RemittanceServiceYear-endRM10CashRebate” 1.Definition&Interpretation 1.1.AmBank’sWesternUnion ® RemittanceServiceYear-endRM10CashRebate(“theCampaign”)isorganizedbyAmBank ...
In addition, there are a few sets of terms and conditions of which you should be aware. Our terms and conditions include the following: These Terms of Service; the Privacy and Cookie Policy: this policy describes the personal data which we may collect from users of our Site and explains ho...
TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA (MALAYSIA) BERHAD ("ICBC") DEBIT CARD These Terms and Conditions govern the operation and your use of the ICBC Debit Card. It is important that you read and understand the Terms and Conditions carefully an...
Anyone participating in or wishing to participate in the Rise of The Ronin Social Challenge Social Campaign (this “Promotion”) is referred to in these Terms and Conditions as an “Entrant”. Participation in this Promotion constitutes the Entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to accept and...
Terms and Conditions Governing the DuitNow Transfer Service These DuitNow Transfer Terms and Conditions govern your use of the DuitNow Transfer Service offered by Public Bank Berhad or Public Islamic Bank Berhad ("the Bank"). Definitions "Business Day" means any calendar day from Monday to Friday,...
Right, and we're not just talking about the things that you already agreed to when you signed, probably without reading the terms and conditions of Octas 1 through 7. Kami takkan bercakap soal hal yang belum diluluskan, saat ini diparaf, tanpa sempat dibaca Soal syarat dan ketentuan Oct...
Ilustrasi diatas adalah ilustrasi dimana 1 Nasabah melakukan transaksi lebih dari 1 (satu) kali transaksi selama masa penawaran ORI027. 10.Jumlah pemesanan Obligasi Ritel Seri ORI027 yang akan dialokasikan untuk masing-masing Pemesan/Calon Investor sepenuhnya merupakan kewenangan Pemerintah. 11. Peng...
Unit Evaluasi Teknikadalah IC yang ditujukan untuk evaluasi teknik dan yang menggunakan die yang sama dengan Produk kelas ruang angkasa yang memenuhi syarat (QML Kelas V atau TI -MLS), tetapi belum sepenuhnya diproses dan diuji oleh TI dan tidak sesuai untuk kualifikasi, produksi, pengujian ...