THE TERMINATOR Effects Veteran Shane Mahan (Stan Winston Studio supervisor, co-owner Legacy Effects) shares memories of working with Stan Winston and James Cameron on the iconic film that started the unstoppable...
Terminator Genisys - Resetting the FutureGo behind the scenes of one of the most anticipated movies of 2015 with The Art and Making of Terminator Genisys.David S Neft
终止器genisys_2015_ 幕后电影采访-阿诺德施瓦辛格是《卫报》(Terminator Genisys _2015_ Behind the Scenes Movie Interview - Arnold Schwarzenegger is Guardian) 大风车_25_52 2年前
This is the only featurette, in fact the only extra at all, on my library's DVD copy of, well, Terminator: Genisys. It's 15 minutes long, and consists of interviews with cast and crew, behind-the-scenes footage and film clips. There are subtitles for it, in multiple languages. ...
Behind the scenes, the makers of these films have repeatedly revised what is and is not part of official continuity.Terminator Genisyssent additional robots back into the events ofTerminator 1and2, creating an alternate timeline, and the newTerminator: Dark Fatepretends the third, fourth, and ...
The Halcyon Company, producers of Terminator: Salvation, filed for bankruptcy shortly after the film’s release, killing any chances of a sequel.Terminator Genisys' Canceled Trilogy Plans & Why They Didn't Happen Terminator: Salvation’s box office bomb and behind-the-scenes drama led to six ...
【终结者2】花絮特别加长版【The Making of 'Terminator 2 Judgment Day' Behind The Scenes】 555 2 14:56 App 玩泥巴的新高度!施瓦辛格-终结者T-800雕塑制作过程,看后你也想玩泥巴吗? cr:工业科技迷的微博视频 558 -- 16:56 App 【手办模玩】用怪物油泥做一个僵尸人。 2575 -- 4:28:49 App 国外...
6 Behind the Scenes 7 Appearances 8 References Original timeline[] Main article: John Connor/Original timeline John Connor was born on February 28, 1985, to Sarah Connor and his unnamed father. On the brink of extinction in 1997, John Connor united the despairing humans and taught them to fi...
The magnetic field of the Time Displacement Equipment ripped the Machine-phase matter apart, destroying the T-3000 unit. Known Units Behind the scenes The name T-3000 may be derived fromTerminator 3000, which was a planned 3D animated reboot of theTerminatorseriesbefore its cancellation and replac...
Behind the Scenes Camera Operator Daniel Benjamin ... studio teacher Lisa Birch ... assistant to marine coordinator Matthew Blain ... location accountant: Hungary and Spain Kevin Blood ... first assistant accountant Sam Boardman ... diving supervisor Israel Bodero ... marine coordinator:...