The side panels use a colorful material that is similar to some of the Mexican blanket fabrics we’ve seen used by Nike on past shoes such as the P-Rod series from the Nike SB team, while the heel and toe box use a herringbone/wool like fabric and pattern inspired by the good people...
最近,一款全新配色的 Nike Terminator Low 释出实物图,吸引了众多球鞋爱好者的目光。这双鞋采用白色和棕色妆点,整体风格十分复古。鞋面采用麂皮和皮革材质打造,质感不俗,同时还具有独特的龟裂设计,让人一眼就能看出这双鞋的与众不同。 在鞋的后跟处,超大的 Nike 字样不仅提升了整双鞋的辨识度,同时也保证了 Nike ...